Monopoly 005

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a/n I wrote most of this at 5 am with no sleep so please enjoy even though it don't make no sense

Tsukasa pov rahhhh:

"Hmm what snacks does she have," I say as I walk to the pantry and take a step in.

"Hmm," Rui says as he wraps his arms around me, "Ooh takis! let's bring them in!"

"Uh what if some people don't like spice! I'll pop some of this popcorn for them!" I say knowing damn well I can't handle taki spice and the popcorn is for me. I think Rui could tell because I saw him do his sly smirk (:3) and grab the takis.

"So considerate love~" Yeah he could definitely tell but oh well he didn't point it out. I go over to the microwave to put in the popcorn and hit two minutes. (rookie mistake was not just hitting the popcorn button)

"You don't have to wait for me you can go bring them the takis," I say to Rui.

"Nooo I wanna stay with you~" Rui wraps his arms around my waist again and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I feel my face heat up a bit.

"God I swear I fall in love with you even more every second," I mumble to myself.

"Awe love, I've fallen for you a thousand times everyday and I swear its the best part of my days." Rui gets off me and turns to look right at my face. He then plants a million kisses all over as I just stand there beet red and flustered. Rui had given me about 50 kisses when I heard the microwave go off and I started to smell smoke.

"Oh fuck!" I yell as I quickly open the microwave. A cloud of smoke comes out from it and pretty soon the fire alarm goes off. I feel terrible for causing so much trouble and start to tear up. The rest of the people at the party run in when they hear the alarm and smell the smoke. I feel tears fall as I feel terrible for being such a problem. I ruined everyone's fun and now we all can't just play monopoly in peace. I feel Rui come to hug me and I squeeze him back, I feel so lucky to have him to comfort me. He truly is the best boyfriend anyone could ask for.

"What's going on!?!" Ichika yell/asks when she gets in.

"Tsukasa accidentally burned the popcorn and it made a lot of smoke which let off the smoke detectors. There is no fire so don't worry." Rui says as he can tell I wasn't able to. I feel him start to run his fingers through my hair. I don't know how I got so lucky with my boyfriend damn.

"Okay... we can just open some windows and doors to air out the house!" Ichika says trying to be positive.

"Yeah I'm sure the smoke detectors will shut up soon enough!" Sami says and heads to open some windows. I was still crying despite everyone fixing the problem. My thoughts combined with the loud beep of the alarm were just too much.

"Shh, it's okay Tsuki, the alarms will stop soon and we will be able to go back to our game." Rui's voice was so calming and was always the perfect way to calm me when I was stressed or panicked. Everything about his was just perfect. I was able to steady my breathing and pull away from Rui. I went on my tip toes to whisper in his ear.

"Thank you Rui." I wished I could say more but that's all I could think of. I went and gave him a kiss on the cheek and then got flat on the ground. The loud ass alarms finally stopped. I gave Rui one more short hug and we went to bring in the takis.

"Sorry about that everyone haha," I try to smile so they don't realize I was crying.

"Welcome back Tsukasa!" Emu smiles brightly at Rui and I. We head back to our seat and set the takis back on the table.

<time skip about an hour later>

"HAHAHA YOU OWE ME $250 BITCH" An yells at Akito who landed on her railroad.

"Fuck, Toya we only have $250 left and we are out of property to sell."

"That's alright love, we lasted a whole hour at least!"


"Fineee, here take your money, bitch."


"Shh darling calm down he gave you the money." Kohone grabbed her feral gf and hugged her.

<Some more time later>

"WONDAHOI NENE YOU AND I WON YAYAY" Emu yelled exitedlg as everyone just sat there shocked that she won when the whole time she was getting distracted by random shit.

"Well I guess we should all leave then right? Unless there is space for everyone to sleep." Toya said.

"Im pretty sure everyone should have a place to sleep. I know Saki, Ichika, Honami, and I are set. Then there's two guest bedrooms, some futons, and then about three couches." Ichika said.

"I CALL ONE OF THE GUEST BEDROOMS," An yelled almost immediately.

"ME TOO I WANT THE OTHER ONE!" I yelled right after An did.

"Okay so An and Kohone in bedroom one, Rui and Tsukasa in bedroom two. That just leaves Akito, Toya, Emu, Nene, Mizuki, Ena, Mafuyu, and Kanade."

"Kanade and I would like to sleep on a futon." Mafuyu spoke.

"Ena and I can sleep on one of the couches." Mizuki stated.

"Then I guess Toya and I will sleep on one of the other ones." Akito said.

"Nene and I can also sleep on a couch!" Emu nearly yelled.

"Okay sounds good i'll go grab blankets, Rui, Tsukasa your room is down the hall and it's the first door on the right. An and Kohone your room is down the hall and to your left." Ichika went t go get blankets.

"I'm glad I got the guest bed right?" I smiled at Rui and he smiled back. I stood up and helped Rui up. We went over to our room and were happy to see a king size bed with clean sheets and a Tv in the room.

"Wow its like a hotel in here fufu~" Rui smiled and I jumped on the bed.

"Wanna watch a movie before we go to sleep?" I ask hoping he'll say yes.

"Of course love. What kind?"

"Hmm, i've been waiting to watch a horror movie with someone because well uh the jumps scares are kinda, well, scary."

"I'd love to watch a horror movie with you!" Rui turns on the tv, grabbed the remote, and goes to sit next to me. Rui picks a horror movie and puts his arm around my shoulders.

"EPP!" I yelp when there was a jumpscare and hug Rui. Rui pets my hair (idk why rui loves tsukasa's hair rn but) and we keep watching the movie like that. Every jumpscare I squeezed Rui tighter and sometimes yelped. Rui just wrapped his arms around me and pet my hair. It was really nice to have someone to comfort me when I was down.

About halfway through the movie there was a long gap with no jump scares that was pretty quiet so I ended up falling asleep in Rui's arms.

Ourple pov:

Another jumpscare came and I was surprised to see Tsukasa didn't move or yelp at all. I looked down at him and was met by a sleeping Tsukasa.

"Fufu, goodnight love" I reached for the remote and turned off the tv. I then layed down a bit but I didn't move enough to wake Tsu. I planted a small kiss on his forehead and went to sleep.


AHH i think the more I like the more i hate this but oh well toodles

(1329 words)

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