2: when dragons roar

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The cyclops screamed as it crunched in her jaws. This was getting ridiculous, as this was the sixth monster she had dealt with this year. It was only the 2nd of January, a year after she had rescued Hari. Apparently, Hari attracted monster's like corpses attracted flies. Ophis shook her head and threw the cyclops away, then returned to where she had left Hari happily playing in the sand. She had decided to take Hari somewhere warm, as the girl had been complaining that new york was cold, and had decided on florida. She had warded an entire stretch of the beach to keep humans away. It would keep out wizards, but not necessarily devils, angels or monsters. It wouldn't keep out demigods either, but ophis could careless about them. She spotted Hari, talking animatedly with a boy she was certain wasn't there when she left. The boy looked up at her approach and his eyes widened. The boy grabbed Hari and ran, Hari looking very confused. Ophis was amused, he thought he could escape her? She was a dragon, and her current form was a hell of a lot faster and larger then he was. Her eyes caught the exact moment Hari realised what was happening, the same moment Hari's emerald gaze locked with Ophis' scaled bulk. "MAMA" Hari wailed, arms outstretched to her. Ophis caught up to the boy easily, and picked him up with a single claw. "Did you really think you could outrun me?" The boy's eyes rolled up and he passed out, his grip on Hari relaxing. Hari fell backwards, then promptly defied gravity. Hari giggled happily. Two black and silver draconic wings burst from Hari's back and she floated to the ground. Ophis dropped the boy before shrinking into her mature form and picking Hari up. Hari chirped happily and wrapped her limbs around Ophis. A flash of flame and Hestia appeared, blinking at the unconcious demigod. "Huh, the hell happened?" Hestia asked, utterly baffled. "The boy attempted to run from me with Hari, he didn't get very far. He passed out after I caught him." Normally, Ophis would have killed the boy for the insult, but Ophis was currently trying to relax. Her ears twitched as she felt an angel appear nearby, but she ignored it for the moment. So long as the angel didn't get too close, she would ignore it. She flicked her hand and a second blanket materialised next to the first. Ophis sat down on the first blanket, Hari still happily cuddling with her. Hari's wings twitched before retracting into her back. Hari let out a yawn, then fell asleep. Ophis shared a look with Hestia, who was stiffling a giggle. Ophis decided to follow Hari's lead and lay back to nap, get some sleep before the next idiot shows up. Ophis would have thought that her scent would scare monsters away, but apparently that wasn't the case.

Febuary, 19th, 1998
Ophis woke to the smell of something burning, and a crying Hari. She was out of bed immediately, and quickly made her way to where Hari was. She entered the living room to find Hari bawling her eyes out while a vampire burned to death a little ways away from her. She sent the vampire back to the grave with a wave of her hand, causing it to disentegrate. She picked Hari up off the floor and rocked her from side to side. A quick examination of her daughter revealed that she had a bite mark on her neck. Ophis wasn't worried tho, as she could tell that Hari's dragon blood was already destroying the vampire venom before it could do more then cause Hari mild pain. Ophis healed the wound before sitting down on the sofa. "Shh, your fine now Hari, mama has you." Hari sobbed before burying her face into Ophis' chest. She rubbed Hari's back as the girl sobbed. Ophis had found herself spending more time in her adult body recently, only really spending the night in her child form. She wondered what caused it, as it was unusual for her. She suspected it had something to do with Hari. Hari stopped sobbing and looked up at her with her big, emerald eyes. She smiled down at the girl. That was another thing that had changed, Ophis no longer looked at everything uncaringly. The time she had spent with Hari and Hestia really had helped her. Hari's development had been stunted by two factors, the lack of Ophis or Hestia in her life, and the amount of food Petunia had been giving her. Fortunately, Ophis had managed to reverse the malnutrition, and Hari was now a proper weight, although she would still be small. Hari chirped, then said "I'm hungry mama." Ophis chuckled, then moved her shirt aside. Fun fact about dragons (the true dragons, not those rejects the wizarding world called dragons), because they lived for so long (I.E, practically immortal) they spent at least a century hanging around their mothers (and their fathers, if the male decides to stick around) 15 of which are spent in the "infant" stage. This led to dragon children spending at least 15 years suckling from the mother. It wasn't Ideal for a situation like the one Ophis was in, but it could be handled. Perhaps Ophis should move them to Japan, then Ophis wouldn't have to deal with monsters trying to kill Hari every 5 minutes. She stroked Hari's head as the girl suckled, considering that plan of action. Currently, Japan was a contested zone, the original pantheon having been wiped out by Draig and Albion after the two had taken their battle into the country. Any who hadn't been torn to shreds by the twin heavenly dragon emperors, had later been cut down by heaven and the underworld. The only problem with that plan, was that devil activity in the country had skyrocketed after heaven had pulled back to consolidate their losses. Ophis thought about it a moment longer, then decided. Once Hari was full, they where going to Japan. The potters owned a property in Japan, so getting a home there wasn't a property. The magicals where aware of the supernatural world, and therefore of her, so they wouldn't be an issue. She would remove any devils that where too close to Hari, and everything would be fine. Ophis then remembered about hogwarts. Hari wouldn't be going there, as Ophis didn't want her anywhere near Dumbledore. The dragon god really didn't trust the man, as he had been the one to suggest Peter, and he had cast the fidelus, yet Sirius was in Azkaban for betraying her and Hestia. Once in Japan, Ophis was going break Padfoot out of jail. She trusted the man, enough that she was willing to leave him alone with Hari. Hell, he was Hari's godfather, that alone should indicate how much she trusted the man. Plus, free babysitting. Ophis snorted at that thought, the infinite dragon god, needing free babysitting. Hari gazed up at her, a questioning look in her eyes. "Don't worry about it Hari." She said. Hari blinked at her, then closed her eyes again. Hari was apparently very hungry, as she would usually have been full by now. Ophis suspected that it was the drain of setting the vampire on fire. Hari released her and sat up, a satisfied sigh leaving her. "Full?" Ophis asked. Hari nodded, then placed her head under Ophis' chin. "Love you." Hari chirped as Ophis stood up. "I love you too Hari." She stated, causing Hari to purr.

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