Zoro X Reader (Silly Shenanigans)

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Yea I already did this chapter on another book but it seemed popular so I wanted to add it on here too.


For those who don't know: Y/N: Your Name L/N: Last Name

Also Zoro is 20 and you are 19 (so this is legal don't sue me 😭)

It was a hard and stressful day. For eight hours straight, you and the crew were cleaning the entire ship. You were amazed at how much dust you found...and you were allergic to dust, so that had to go. Every square inch of the ship was spotless by the time you guys finished...well... only you and Zoro really did any of the work. Luffy was hustling, but then he got too tired and fell asleep. And we all know that NOTHING can wake up Luffy from a nap. Usopp cleaned his room only, and then complained that he was the only one working, then he went off to experiment with his homemade bomb stars. Nami was sick (which is a fair excuse) but then Sanji had to step in and take care of Nami.

So it was just you and Zoro who really did any of the work, and holy shit you were exhausted. Zoro was much stronger and more athletic than you, so he had less of a problem, but he was still pooped. Zoro grunted. "There we go, that's the last of it." He picked up a heavy box full of cleaning supplies and carried them away. You rushed up to him. "Wait," You say with concern. "I could help you with that." Zoro stopped walking and looked at you. "It's really heavy y/n." You looked at him with shock. You knew that you would never be able to beat him in anything involving strength, but you would try. "Excuse me? You think I can't do it?" You challenged him.

"I'm not saying that," Zoro said with a sly look on his face. "I just don't want you to get hurt." You blushed. "Screw that, I'll be fine." With that you swiftly grabbed the heavy box from his muscular arms, your knees almost collapsing. Oh shit! You thought. This is heavier than I realized! Zoro looked at you with a smirk. "Oh, is it too heavy?" You glared at him. "I-AHHUHUHUHUHUHHHHHH!"

Your knees gave way and the box flew from your hands. Bottles, rags, and many other things were yeeted out, and you were about to fall on the hard wood floor. "Y/N!" Zoro yelled as he lunged toward you. He extended his arm and grabbed yours. Being yanked so you wouldn't fall on the ground, you fell on Zoro. Embarrassed and a blushing mess, you looked at your savior. His short green hair around his sharp complexions. His eyes were so beautiful and warm, yet intimidating and dangerous. His body was so warm and full of imperfections; but you loved him like that, and you knew how he got every single one of his scars. You found them sexy. You absolutely loved him.

Now laying on top of him, you were a tomato. Red as hell, you said, "Oh my god, Zoro I'm so sorry-" but then you noticed something. You noticed that your waist was on his, and a big bulge was there, slowing growing with each second. Nervous, you look up into Zoro's eyes, and his face is dark. You wonder if he is upset. Shit, now I'm turned on, y/n thought. "S-sorry, Zoro." You stuttered as you pushed yourself off him. You stood up to help him stand, but he stands without your assistance and grabs you by your arm. Confused and very nervous you manage you mumble a little "huh?"

Zoro lifts your chin using his hand. "You don't think you can get away with this, do you, y/n?" Zoro looked at you with a lustful gaze, his bulge now very visible to you. "W-what do you mean Zoro?" You were confused, what the fuck is he talking about? You thought, We are just friends, right? I mean I do love him, but this is fucking nuts! Zoro then changed his facial expression. It looked like he remembered something. He then let go of your arm. He then said a quick "Follow me" and picked you up bridal style.

You were in Zoro's arms, with him running to the west side of the ship. WHAT THE FUCK IS GONNA HAPPEN? You thought. DOES HE LOVE ME TOO?? You were confused and aroused you didn't know what to make of this situation. Zoro tripped on a metal rod, but quickly recovered and continued to run. In less than ten seconds, you arrived at Zoro's sleeping quarters. He threw open the door and dropped you on his bed. He then walked over to his door and locked it, triple checking to make sure that is was tight and secure.

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