ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛𝟜

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The rest of the day passed by as usual, and I was getting a bit restless. Even though I've been visiting the gym, and the Mansion which is named "La Guarida del Tigre", I've been seeing my family less and less. I have nothing to do at home and doing my homework or studying for tests doesn't count. 

Marcel on the other hand has been acting like a lost puppy he flashes his smile every time he sees and he also tries to keep me entertained. I swear if he keeps doing this I might just kiss him.

The news flashed on the screen, "The residential area near Asbury lake has been set on fire, when the police arrived on the scene, 5 houses were already burnt to ashes. There has been no confirmation whether any lives were taken-" The woman went talking about bullet fragments and stuff and I just stared at the screen, exhausted.

Ughh, when are they coming home?

3rd person POV

Armando had been working non-stop for the past few days and so was everyone else. Alex had to find the locations of all safehouses and storage rooms where he keeps all his weapons hidden, Armando and Dante had to go to each location and made sure that they were fully destroyed, and he had to tend to all the people who were injured during the ploy. Vincent and Leonardo had to deal with the aftermath of all of this, which turned out to be good as all our clients were turning to them for their monthly supplies, but we can't deny that they are terrified of us now. We've been lenient for far too long, it's time to get our family's authority back.

'All things going good' He thought, "Except for one thing" He whispered, Daniel is still not caught, he kept escaping each time they raided every one of his safehouses, he seems to be one step ahead of them all the time. This could mean only one thing, there's a mole in the Mafia.

Armando got up from his seat and headed toward the Arena, Dante is already present there and he was teaching the basics of kickboxing to the newcomers. He smiled and waved at him, Dante stopped and waved back, he put away his gloves and ran toward him.

"So, what's going on?" Dante asks,

"Let's go someplace quiet," Armando suggests and they both go to Alex's room. It's a fun place and he has his own game room somewhere in the mansion.

"So?" Dante prompted,

"I think there is a mole in our ranks," He said, which only drew an eyebrow raise from Dante.

"Guessed so, how would that perra know when we're about to strike every time," He grunts.

"He is not responding to our aggressions, I believe he has a plan," Armando mumbled,

"AND THAT PLAN IS RELEASING A GAME-CHANGING DRUG INTO THE MARKET!!!" Alex's voice boomed through the door as he burst it open.

Both Armando and Dante stood up in shock. They are surprised by his voice, not his information. 

"We already know that," Armando said as a matter of fact.

"No, no you don't understand. He released it, okay? And guess what? This drug is undetectable! It's never seen before. The buyers are rushing for it, I tell you," Alex frantically explains.

"So?" Dante asks, Alex went quiet from that and shrugs, and sits down next to Armando. But he jumps up again and says "He is selling the main shares to the Yakuza!"

"What the fuck?" Armando growled. 

"Yeah, so that's a huge problem for us! what should we do?" Alex asks.

"Tell dad," Dante says and walks out the door, Armando follows and so does Alex. The three head towards the office and called for Lorenzo and Vincent.

If Daniel is selling this 'undetectable' and 'game-changing' drug to the Yakuza then he must be seeking protection. Haah, that bastard

"We have to find a countermeasure somehow. Alex, I need you to go and find out when the deal's happening. Find the place, hurry!" Armando said and Alex took off to his office a.k.a his room.

"Dante, can you mobilize all the trained ones? I expect us to attack as soon as we get their location and Boss's permissions," Dante too took off and went to his respective field.

We can't let him escape, we are this close to finishing him off, Armando thought.

Vivian's POV

I took out my phone and dailed Chrissy's number. I need her help, with whatever is about to go down in 5 days or less. If I tell my family about anything, then I wouldn't be able to get them. 

"Heyyy, wassup?" She answered in her usual dreadful voice. 

"Nothing much,"

"That's definitely something, tell me," She probed.

"Uhh, I told you about my family being the mafia right?"


"So I'll get straight to the point then, I'm getting kidnapped in a few days,"

"Bitch what?" She coughed,

"Yes, you heard me right. I'm getting fuckin kidnapped in a few days and I can't tell this to anyone except you. I need your help," I pleaded.

And in case you're wondering, I'm in the bathroom. Can't let anyone hear.

"How did this come to be?" She sighs, I explained everything to her. She's the only person in the entire world whom I trust with no doubts.

"Okay, got it. So you're telling me that you've been followed by this creepy FBI lady for years and then there's this guy who has a grudge against your hot papi, he killed your mama and now he's gonna kidnap you?" 

"Yes, you summed it up,", Hot papi?

"Okay, then the FBI lady wants YOU to steal something back for them?"

"Yup, she sent me the house plans, wait I'll send them to you. Look here Chrissy, I want you to hack into this mansion and help me get the briefcase, and an escape route," I breathed, this entire thing is making my head hurt.

"And what are you getting out of it?" She screams,

"Someone very important to me," I say,

"Okay, okay. I saw the plans. it's a bit tricky since we are talking about a psychopathic kidnapper and mafia kind of guy. I expect his security to be a tight nit, and moreover, There a rumor going on that some other dangerous people are going to be there, buying a drug or smth,"

"Shit," I cursed under my breath. I don't know when it's gonna happen, oh, oh ho," The light bulb in me switched on. "Hey Chris, I have a plan, the only thing you have to do is --" I chuckle to myself.


Honestly, I don't know what to say, I'm suffering is all. My eyes are about to pop off, and I feel all my energy draining out of my body. I don't feel like getting up at all. The only thing that keeps me going is to complete this story. It's been a long journey guys, hope you guys enjoy it too. I've put a lot of thoughts into this story, so yeh. Enjoy my dearies!!

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