seventh step

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Just don't be boring in your writing.

How to not be boring:

- don't write too long chapters unless they got a plot twist that make you piss yo panties

- constantly use this shit when characters are talking like:

"but you're my brother!" she shouted, tears streaming down her face


she told her brother to stop, but he didn't listen and

- use curse words cuz after all all the readers are weird children that want some romance in their life to feel older.

or just cuz they're down bad for a character in their fav movie, but they couldn't find any fic.


- be funny. If you aren't. Learn to be funny. People love funny goofy silly people. (I'm actually not funny I'm just goofy)

- answer to your comments sometimes. Not just bc you're going to have a lot of fun answering, but even the person reading will have a smile on their face knowing the owner appreciated their comment.

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