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"..Why me?"


Such a cruel, inevitable reality we live in. Destiny doesn't change its course, and it is unavoidable. No matter if you tried your hardest to avoid it, fate will always find a way.

Everyone has something in store for them, whether it's something little, or large, like [name]'s and the green ninja's destiny. Both fated for greatness. While one was meant to live for the world, the second had to perish, die a memorable death to rid of all evil.

Darkness was the only thing they saw, as if their eyes were closed, [name] could barley see the outline of their own two hands. They just wanted to sleep, so why were they here?

The child's mind was clouded, multiple different types of thoughts swirling in their brain. Having something very important to fulfill gave them an unbearable feeling of worry in the pit of their stomach, that was slowly eating them alive.

This world, is just a cruel arrangement of pain and suffering.

Clenching then unclenching their fists, [name] barley took notice of the pitch black world dissolving into a more (much more) colorful image.

A bright, seemingly unending field overwhelmed the child's senses. [name]'s nose twitched and then scrunched up at the fresh smell of crisp air and fresh grass. Blinking their eyes tiredly, the child's vision got used to the sudden brightness.

They sucked in a breath at the sight, it was pretty. Very pretty. A golden petal flew into their view, before falling into their outstretched palm, "Hello, child." The presence of someone other then them, at last made themselves known, startling the young kid.

The voice seemed to be behind them, though when they turned around, no-one was there.

As they snapped their head to face the being, he disappeared just to appear in front of the child, back turned. A huff escaped their lips at the scare, watching the nicely dressed man suspiciously, the person turned their head ever so slightly, striking white braid swaying in motion.

"I mean no harm. You're only here to talk, my child." He spoke calmly, hands intertwined behind his back, [name] took a weary step forward with a head tilt. "Who are you?" They tried to sound stern, but their still soft and childlike voice prevented that. He responded only with his title, the first spinjitsu master, drawing a surprised breath from the child.

The petal that was held in their light grip, not wanting to destroy it, was released and fell slowly to the ground, making no sound when it hit the grass. "..." They bit their lip in slight frustration from his short response, "Am I dead?" [name] questioned carefully, though they didn't really want the answer.

The first spinjitsu master shook his head, a quick, breathy chuckle leaving his throat. "No, child. You are not." His voice seemed distant, but at the same time so near. The answer given allowed the [hair color] haired kid to sigh in relief, not ready to leave their family just yet.

Waiting for the man to talk further, a long, soft rumbled filled their ears, [name] turned their full body just to face a giant (at least to them) dragon head, gleaming green eyes staring straight into them.

As they moved their foot back the large winged reptile pushed its snout into their stomach, rubbing its head against the child's clothes in turn making them stifle a laugh.

"Let's not waste any more valuable time." The first spinjitsu master started, at his words the dragon removed his snout and found itself a place to lay down close to the two, listening to everything that's said.

"We have a lot to speak about, [Name]."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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