Chapter 10

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"So he threatened you?" Corki asks Jed.

"I think so," Jed responds. "I don't know, but he sounded so mad about me kissing Ross."

"Think he doesn't want his best friend kissing a guy?"

"I don't know, it's weird. Think I should talk to Ross about it?"

Corki shrugs. "I don't know, but if you want to, you can."


"It's only us now," Hayley said. "What should we do?"

"We keep surviving, we have a hour left and we only need two keys." Derek releases a shaky breath. "We got this."

"We don't," Wynter said. "I lost all of my family, I have nothing left to fight for."

"Fight for yourself," Corey tells her, "When you have no one, fight for yourself because that's all you'll ever have in the world."

They all look at Ryan.

"What do we do?" Hayley asks.

"I - -" Ryan gets cutoff by a loud roar coming from outside.

Everyone crowds together for protection.

"What was that?" Wynter asks, fear creeping inside her more.

Ryan sighs, "You're next challenge. You must vote on two, and we came get this night over with."


In the woods, Braeden is back in the woods, but this time without baby Everett. After she told the others about no one remembering Hayley and Derek they all jumped to action.

"What will we do when we get to purgatory?" Laura asks.

"We'll figure that out later," Emma said. "Get in and get out, and save everyone as much as you can. I only have enough magic for you the four of you, it won't last long but it would be good enough to save everyone."

"That's perfect," Kira said.

"Let's do this," Parker says.

Emma casts her spell and the portal opens, the others run inside as quick as they can before the portal closes.


After voting on two and Ryan shuffling the cards, the two players are standing in front of the challenge.

"Complete the challenge by finding a jewel, once you find the jewel say the spell, and you'll get the key. The loser will get eaten by the dinosaurs." Ryan instructs with a long silence afterwards. "Begin."

Hayley and Wynter rush inside the pool of water that his guys and other contents inside searching for what they need.


After Jed has talked to Ross, he is on the way to Sky's house. When he gets there, he knocks on the door.

Mia opens the door. "Hey Jed, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see if Sky was here, I needed to talk to him." Jed responds to her.

"Yeah he's in his room."

"Great, thanks."


"Yes! I got it," Hayley yells. She puts the jewel on the stop where the keys lays. She picks up the paper and says the spell.

"Hayley," the sadness in Wynter's voice almost breaks Hayley.

"I'm sorry," Hayley tells her as the draw with the key opens. Hayley grabs it and she runs away, as the dinosaurs start going after the Wynter.

Wynter tries to escape but she gets pushed down to the ground and is eaten alive. Her screams are so loud that the others have to cover their ears.

"We got the key, let's get the hell out of here," Corey said.

When they run back inside the museum, Hayley puts the key in the vault and turns the key.

Derek looks at Ryan. "What's next?"

"I - -" Ryan gets cut off by the door opening.

"Guys," Kira said.

"Kira?" Hayley asks, "What are you doing here?"

Parker walks into eyesight. "We don't have time to explain but we have to go."

"Where?" Derek asks.

Laura walks into eyesight. "Stop asking questions."

"What do you - -" Corey gets cutoff by Braeden walking in.

"You heard all three of them, there is a way out for all of you. Emma can't keep the portal open all night. Let's. Go." Braeden's scary, assertive voice have Derek, Hayley, and Corey moving their legs.

When they make it to the portal, they are a few steps away from it when they get stopped.

"What have you done to my museum?" The collectors scary voice yells, then she looks at Ryan. "You bitch, what have you done?"

"I want out of here," Ryan tells her.

"Well that's too bad." The collector bangs her staff on the ground and a cloud of smoke comes, with villains from the past. "Meet my latest collection."

"Oh my god," Corey cries.

"What do we do?" Parker asks.

Laura takes a few deep breaths then, "Run."


Sky and Mia's home.

"Sky, we need to talk, right now." Jed tells him, as soon as he walks into Sky's room.

"Hell no," Sky said. "Jed, what are you doing here?"

"Why did you talk to me like that when you found out Ross and I kissed? You had no right."

"And you had no right pressing your lips against my best friend."

Jed's eyes starts glowing. "You don't get to control who he kisses and who he doesn't."

Sky starts to get scared. "Why are your eyes glowing like that?"

Jed's kitsune fire starts to come out, then it blows a fuse, causing a blackout.

The entire neighborhood Sky lives in goes out.

"What the hell are you?" Sky asks.

Jed doesn't say anything, but he knows something a lot of people have done to him. Leave. So that's what he did, he starts walking towards the door, when Sky grabs Jed on the wrist, shoves him to the wall and plants his lips on Jed angrily.

Jed knows he shouldn't kiss back, but something about Sky pulls Jed toward him.

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