Will she ever move on?

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As time went on her days became longer and more dreadful and her nights shorter and once again sleep was the only way of her escaping reality and her disastrous life. She was walking out of Literature class at college in the morning when Marina stopped Rose and her.

"I need to tell you both something.", Marine stated. 

Diana's heart racing because news from Marina and Rose is never good news.

"Sure go ahead." 

Marine almost halfway jumping off a railing before she could even speak says, "I think I'm in love with Ace." 

Rose says with excitement, "I'm happy for you!"

Diana stunned and speechless, not being able to believe what she just heard just denied the fact of liking him and let her have him. 

She says to Marina, "That's delightful news." Almost on the verge of tears she walks away for her next class keeping a smile on her face.

As Ace kept on trying to pursue Rose but never succeeded, Diana felt as if her days were being repeated. Soon Rose convinced Ace to start dating Marina. They started dating and was in a relationship where they both seemed really happy. He seemed quite happy claiming to have gotten over Rose. But the big question is did he really? Diana decided to try and forget him and move on and she partially succeeded in doing so. There was that boy named Blazer remember. She had fallen for him as time had passed. He liked her so called best friend Rose. As usual who doesn't like her. Rose and Diana were really close that time. Like best friends. Diana tried setting up Blazer and Rose. Now Diana and Blazer dated a long time ago so there was still a little spark left between them but they broke up. They were young and immature and didn't really understand anything so ended things. 

Now she was back to that crush for him again but once again kept her feelings a secret. She tried really hard setting up Rose and Blazer but it didn't work because Rose didn't like him. Diana and Blazer ended up getting close during the process. They slept on calls. Were on calls for many days and even played online games together. They grew more and more attached to each other. One day they were on a call and Blazer added his friend on the call. His friend was from their class.

His friend asks Diana, "Will you ever date Blazer and whether she will go out with him?" 

"No that's never going to be possible because he likes my best friend.", Diana replied stunned by his question.

Then she posted a video on her status. Blazer and his friend replied to it. It was where anyone could ask her any question.  Blazer and his friend asked her 2 same questions. 

"Will you date me and do you ever think of me?" 

She replied NO to his friend, but she replied yes for both to Blazer.

"Really?", Blazer asks. 

"Yes.", she replies. 

Diana said, "Even though I would you like my best friend."

Blazer said, "What if I don't anymore." 

Blazer was a big player and everybody knew that but of course Diana was blinded by his nonsensical talks and like every other girl was head over heels for him.  

"Will you be my girlfriend?", Blazer ask. 

Diana replies without even thinking about it, "YES!!!" 

She was delighted and her heart was racing extremely fast. Diana isn't able to control her smile. He pretended to like her but does he really love her or is he just playing with her feelings? Diana and Blazer started dating and at first was very happy. They decided to make their relationship public at college and so they did. Everyone knew that they two were dating, they were the couple that was known for many things and for dating before. The player boy dates the quiet girl. (ROLLS EYES...) 

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