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Tw: mentions of blood(🦔 high rn)

Bloodshed. The skies of New York city were once again another different colour than to what its supposed to be blue. Where was he again?

A loud gunshot rang followed by multiple yelling and screams. The apocalypse. He's still here. Still fighting. Why is he still fighting

"I got you sensei! Stay with me!" He snapped back to reality. A picture in hand which was also holding onto his wounded, bleeding torso. He managed make out a weak smile. "You're a life saver, Casey Jones"

The black haired human was assisting with the mutated turtle with running, seeming that he is wounded.

Casey's mask opens to reveal him smiling back with a hint of worry. "I learned from the best. Come on we're almost there!" He begins to adds up his pace.

Explosions where to be heard all around. This then reveals a view of a destroyed Lady Liberty. It were to seem as if the statue had sunken to the ground. Without the torch at her hand, her crown falling apart.

Just then, right behind them. There were three dog enemies coming to charge into them.

"Bad doggies!" They stopped and turned to see, the greatest mystic warrior the world has ever known. "Impeccable timing, little brother. Very dramatic" Michelangelo.

Visual set on, there where mystical orange chains surrounding him. Moving swiftly with his arm movements. He made them appear in a big number killing off enemies that were near them. Causing a huge orange beacon to appear.

Casey sets Leo down near pilled up rocks. Mikey then come near to both of them "Help him Michelangelo! He's hurt bad.." He could see Leonardo removing his palm away from his stomach, revealing bloody hands. You can see just from the way he squinted his eye that it hurts.

Once again, a group of enemies were charging in on them. Before Mikey could react he saw a figure leap over his head. A scythe was fleetly drew killing off the group in seconds. (You may choose your weapon, i just didnt know what else to place)

The saviour then huffs loudly. They were on a somewhat hover board. Swinging the scythe other to their shoulder. They then turns around "Sorry I'm late, saw the huge beacon came in right away" It was Y/n L/n. Second in command in the resistance .

They then looked over to Leo who was practically bleeding causing their lips to curl in worry.

Leo looks at you and smiles before looking around him.

He sighs "That's it. The resistance failed. The Kraang won...but it isn't over. We still got a ninja's greatest weapon. Hope." He paused then looks over to Michelangelo and smirks "That, and a badass mystic warrior"

"Mikey, we need a time gateway" he'd be lying if what leo had said didn't surprise him. But it didn't stop him "It might take everything i have." He said in a serous tone.

"I know but this is our last chance. Our only chance" A spark lit up in Mikey. You could feel it. You wouldn't want to watch this unfold. There were some enemies closing in. You know leo is going to have one of those talks with Casey.

You could hear a few parts though but one part was clear. "Find the key. Stop the Kraang." It hurted you more to hear the shatter in Casey's voice when he said "I don't want to lose you."

You could say you were stuck in you thoughts for a good 2-3 seconds. That itself was enough for the kraang itself to come at you. "Shit.." you by reflexes, shielded Leo and Casey by standing in front of them

You looked over to Mikey, along with Casey "Master Michelangelo, no! You're going to-" he was stopped by the man himself turning around giving a reassuring wink.

"Mikey!" You closed your eyes. Waiting. Hoping. Hoping that the next thing you open your eyes wont be another set of dust in the wind. You just couldn't bare looking at that direction. You didn't want to know. All you did know was, it worked. The gateway to the past. It was opened.

You rushed over to the kill off the nearest enemy. Charging in from above slamming it down, blade to the neck dragging its body and throwing it causing a chain reaction for it the hit the other enemies.

You were tired. Really you were. A part of you felt, maybe even knew this was probably going to be your last and finals breaths here. It doesn't matter being it you appearing at the same place but just a different time or not exist at all. Fighting this non stop battle, lead to unbearable thinking and actions.


You look back to only see the one and only, Casey Jones. You saw him as your own son. You looked over to your partner. You could hear Casey's breath hitch even with the chaos going around.

By the looks of Leonardo's face you knew exactly what was happening and doesn't have anything against it. "You heard the man, Casey. I know you will do great" you gave a quick smile while giving a small pat on his head.

There another enemy appeared coming in for an attack. Damn it, I'm having a moment here. You proceed to fight it off. You can hear a distant bickering with the two and before you know it, you saw Casey being thrown over to the portal. Look away. Look away Y/n. This will all be over.

I tear left slipped through your eye and ran down to your chin. Just then.

Instincts kicked in. You looked over to see Leo holding off an enemy, without noticing.

The enemy in the sky was aiming right at him. Charging for a big blow. "Shit.." a quick whisper underneath your breath.

Your body felt heavy again. All the other life or death situations like this, a part of you wants to. Let go. Just stop fighting. Then again, the other part of you, keeps pulling you keep on fighting. To live on. The same feeling to where you're about to do another crazy stunt with Leo or Mikey.

By an instant you reacted by running in and grabbing him, full body, dragging him away from the beam.

Leo himself was gladly uninjured by the beam. That was until you notice his robotic arm didnt had enough time to escape like his whole body. "Thanks y/n...we have to get back to base"

You nodded. Looking for an opening to excape. Only to see at the corner of your eye. Mikey...? Thats not possible. You were beginning to think that all this fighting is starting to give you hallucinations. You looked over to leo who seems to be having the same reaction. Guess I'm haven't lost my mind yet.

You knew that your strength limit wont be able to carry both of them back to base. But you cant leave either. You are going to have to carry them back. Even if it kills you.

You lifted and hoisted mikey over your shoulders. He wasnt all that heavy. But leo on the other hand. He was and handful.

You would have to stop from time to time to fight off some enemies before getting back on track.

You were at you breaking point. You wanted to stop right there. Right now. Earths gravity was taking a huge toll on you. Pulling you down with every single step you take. Just let this be over.

"Captain Y/n!"

Huh. No matter how much you run from it. It always somehow keeps coming back to you. Hope. A ninja's greatest weapon as they might say. You could only chuckle to yourself, as you fall to the ground. Vision blurred, the last thing you could see were a bunch of people rushing towards you.



A/N: ong bro *starts beatboxing
Its 4 am and i am hungry. Writting the bext chaoter rn real

Future!Leo x Gender Neutral ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now