Part 2: settling

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As I woke up on the freezing leather couch, I realized I have no plan, no back ups or mind games. That is a problem. I need something to force myself ahead. So, right at 10 am, I was going to ask Kurogiri to find me a room. He seemed to be the only useful one around here.

That's what my plan was going to revolve around. A friend to be my support. A defense i could lean on if everything went haywire. I never had this with my papa, and that failed, proving my point of needing to start as soon as possible. 

Standing up off of the couch, I began to explore the main area. There was a small sitting area, which is where I had been sleeping. In front of the couches was a bar/kitchen area, usually where Kurogiri resides, I assume. On the left was a sort of living room, with couches and a tv. I noticed that the tv was very expensive compared to the rest of the bar, and with further inspection I realized the wines and foods inside the kitchen were also quite lavish. 

They cannot possibly be dumb enough to think that rough couches and ugly flooring was going to fool anyone who stepped inside. It only took moments to figure out the money they were trying to hide, and if I can figure it out that fast, this league is in trouble.

Speaking of trouble I thought of what Shigaraki said to me last night. Something about training me to become one of them.

What if they forget their payments before I can join them? What if they hire more girls and I become unimportant? Why do I care? 

I can't be having such thoughts without some sort of plan first. So, instead of waiting for Kurogiri to come find me, I went to find him. 

Beside the kitchen was a small hallway where I had seen Dabi walk through last night. Deciding that it was as good a place as any, I started walking. This place is much bigger than it first appears, and though the hallway is cramped, there are so many rooms I can hardly keep track.

None of these rooms seem to be of interest, all of them have the same doorframe with no sounds surrounding them, probably some sort of utility or storage rooms. 

With no other options I continued walking down the corridor, finding that it is indeed much larger than I first thought possible.

At the end of the hallway came an unexpected turn, where the hallway splits into two. I decided to go to the right, taking my time looking around for clues. There was a yellowish wallpaper covering the walls, with a faded white wall trim. Most of the doors so far have been an unremarkable brown color with a black doorknob.

However, towards the middle of the hallway there seemed to be less and less rooms. Deeming this important, I decided to open a random door on the left. 

I was met with darkness, the lights were off but even then I could tell this was a bedroom. It looked unused, probably a guest room and just as I was deciding this room was unimportant, I felt a presence behind me.

"This your room new girl?" A rough voice said behind me. He was standing mere inches from my back and I didn't have to guess to know who it was.

I guess if this is going to be my room I wouldn't need to find Kurogiri anymore, so the exploration was over.

"I guess so." I turned around to face Dabi as he peeked into my new room.

"Turn the lights on, I've never seen this one before." I felt around for a light switch while stumbling around in the darkness of the room. When I finally felt it behind the door I flicked it on, blinking rapidly as the bright lights slightly stunned me.

Looking around I could tell this room was nice, kind of like a hotel, boring. It smelled fresh and the bed looked comfortable, I spotted a tv on the wall and a desk beside a few paintings. It was slightly larger than an average size, and I had comfortable room to walk around. The polished wooden floor never once creaked when I stepped inside.

I turned around to face Dabi again, but he was gone, and so was my help to bring my bags into the room. Sighing, I walked back into the main area, which seemed to take much less time than my first trip down. My bags were still beside the couch, there were four of them sitting on the ground. 

I grabbed two and began the trek back to my room, annoyed by how heavy they were. Until I heard a pair of footsteps behind me. I had keen hearing, I don't know how I never heard them before, but I stopped, glancing behind me to find the blonde girl. 

Not knowing what to do as she stared straight at me, I turned back around and continued walking. Nothing was said between the two of us but I could feel her smiling at me. I don't like her, and I don't think she likes me.

As we walked into my room and dropped the bags I expected her to leave, but she didn't. I really don't like her. She stayed in my room and made herself at home.

"You really should decorate in here, it's too boring." She sighed as she dropped down into my chair. "People here are always so mean, I hope you're not like that, actually, I know you won't be like them!"

I was confused at her burst of energy and talkativeness, but maybe if she keeps blabbing I can get some more info on what I'm doing.

However, instead of opening her mouth, she just smiled and skipped out of my new room.

Annoyed by her cheery voice I decided to ignore the entire interaction and instead focus on unpacking. There was a closet on the opposite wall of my bed and hangers were already supplied. A large dresser was inside the closet and with all the room I knew I could do some shopping after I found my money.

Sorting threw and folding my clothes seemed to be more tiring than I thought, with all my bags unpacked I stored them away and stepped back to look at my beautiful closet. Checking the time on a bedside clock, I realized it's only lunch time, and so I headed back to the main bar.

I noticed Kurogiri immediately, as he was the only one in the area. I took a seat at the bar and decided it was time to become friends with hopefully the most useful asset here.

"Kurogiri, we haven't had time to properly speak" I added a small smile to hopefully come across as friendly. 

"No miss I believe we haven't. I'm Kurogiri, I will warp you wherever you need, just ask me." I took a mental note of his quirk, I guess it makes sense why he's always in the bar. If anyone ever needs him he will always be easy to find.

"Do we have anything I can do today?" I asked, hoping to rid of my boredom.

"I appreciate the offer miss (y/n) but we've given you two days to settle in, and then you will begin training. I advise you to rest while you still can." Understanding, I nodded and hopped off the stool. It wouldn't benefit me anyway, I still need to begin planning.

So, heading back to my room, I made sure to grab a pen and paper from Kurogiri.

Authors note:

Word count: 1273

Even less then last chapter but my iPad is almost dead so yk

A strange romance, Dabi x (female)y/nWhere stories live. Discover now