Chapter 2

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Me and John make our way to all our other classes 5th period we both have a free period so me and John leave to go get food. We decide on a Mexican place that's near the school we probably eat her 3 out of the 5 days a week. The owners know our names. We go here to eat with all of John's friends and I have came pretty close with there girlfriends since we cheer together and they do everything with their boyfriends and I do everything with John. We sit at our own table away from the boys so we can talk and they can also. I sit beside Addie which is Baylor's girlfriend me and her are really close we also hang out a good bit. We sit down and instantly Sarah, and Jess start asking about me and John.

Sarah- are y'all together yet!

Jess- yeah i heard he wants too

Me- no I mean were the same its always been i mean he flirts with me and hugs me and we kiss but were not like dating we just enjoy each other.

Addie-Grace you know you want to be his so bad.

Me- shut up don't talk to loudly i me i really love him but he doesn't like me like that.

Jess- grace you know he loves you.

Me- what if we break up then what i have no one.

Sarah Jess Addie- geeeez thanks love you too.

Me- well i mean it'll be awkward because y'all all hang with him and i wouldn't get to anymore.

Sarah- just talk to him about it please grace y'all would be so cute

Me- fine but he doesn't like me like that were just friends.

We all finish eating and leave the restaurant I get in the car with John. He said how was lunch sorry I didn't sit with you and I was like its fine it doesn't bother me if you don't sit with me. He said so what did y'all talk about and I was like the usual cheer and everyone asking why were not dating lol he said yeah same the boys want us together so bad idk why I was like me either.

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