The creature wedding

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It's time for the creature wedding of Zach Varmatech and Chris Kratt everybody was so excited for the couple and they are helping out with the stuff like Jimmy z is getting the food ready and the music Koki is putting up the decorations and Aviva and Martin are getting the invites ready
With Chris and Zach
Zach: man I can't believe it's finally happening that we are getting married forever
Chris : yeah I know babe I'm excited too to be with you forever
Aviva: ok lovebirds we are ready come see
Both : ok
Wow that's awesome
Zach: thanks so much guys you are the best 🥹
Martin: your welcome Zach your apart of this team and family
Koki: he's right look people are showing up even the Kratt kids
Chris: of course because one of them is the flower girl and the ring carrier
Zach: this is gonna be the best creature wedding ever
Everyone:Yeah Let's Get Started
Aviva: family and friends we are gathered here today to witness the creature wedding of Chris Kratt and Zach Varmatech if you are not wanting these two to be together stand up and speak now
Chris Kratt do you take Zach to be your wedded husband to cherish and love him for the rest of your life
Chris: I Do
Aviva: Zach do you take Chris to be your lawful wedded husband to love and respect for the rest of your life
Zach: I Do
Aviva: then I proudly pronounced the two of you husband and husband you may now kiss
Both: kissed
Everyone Yay Congratulations
Back at the Tourtuga
Chris: we can't thank you enough for your guys supporting us and helping out with our wedding
Zach: Yeah thanks guys
Everyone: no problem
Jimmy z: cmon everyone let's dig in the feast and celebrate
Chris: I love you my beautiful sweetheart husband
Zach: and I love you my sweet loveable husband
Both: (kissed )
Everyone: Aww so romantic

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