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Dear Diary,                                  August 8th 2134

          I read a book today, about how times where back in the 2000’s. Times seemed so much simpler. They didn't have to worry about acid, watching your back, and mostly, The Destroyers. A few days ago, my best friend, Ally, and I were walking in the ruins of our town, avoiding any trace of a Destroyer. But we saw one. Hideous it was! A deformed body, with a odd shaped nose and 3 eyes instead of two. We stopped in our tracks, staying as quiet as humanly possible, but The Destroyers can hear human breathing. I was deathly afraid. It started to walk toward us, and we ran. Oh fast we were. We ran at least 2 or 3 miles, but as we were tiring, it was gaining. We ran again, so fast, but it caught up. It grabbed Ally, we both screamed, and she said “Run away! Don't let it get you!” I tried to pry her away from The Destroyer, but it was to strong. I begged it, “PLEASE! PLEASE!” but it took no sign of my pleads. So I started kicking, biting and hitting. That wasn't much help. The Destroyers have thick, strong skin and bones, but very mushy, fat like thighs and stomach, so my fighting didn't even feel like a pinch to it. I saw it reach for her neck, but then, abruptly, it stopped. It stared at her neck while I was uselessly pulling at Ally. He shoved me out of the way, forced Ally’s mouth open, and stuffed a pill inside. Immediately she fell asleep. He ran off with her in the distance. I tried to follow them, but I was to tired. I lost my best friend, so now, I’m alone in the world. My mom and dad died when I was 12, protecting my brother and I from The Destroyers. My brother was caught, being only 5 years old, and I watched them die right in front of me. They were all telling me to run, so when Ally said that, it brought tears to my eyes, for I knew what would happen next. I ran from The Destroyer's. And I met a girl named Ally and a boy named Adrian who were in the town, also escaping from the destruction. Ally, to later become my only best friend, and Adrian, also her brother, to later become my boyfriend. But no one knows where Adrian is now. He left to try to find The Destroyers, but never returned. I was 12 when my parents died. I was 15 when my first kiss with Adrian happened, I was 17 when my world fell apart.

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