Chapter 2 - Ally

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Chapter 2- Ally

I had been captured by The Destroyers, and my life is about over. I hadn't been eaten which I thought was weird. I thought for sure I was going to die, along with Libby being next. I haven't seen anyone for a few days and it was getting scary. I’m actually not sure how long I’ve been in here. I’ve been locked in a metal cage with no windows, only a slot where I get food twice a day. I have no track of time. The food is horrible, and its always the same. For breakfast, a hard piece of bread with stale water. Then for dinner, rotten meat lumps and more hard bread. With more stale water. Sometimes, I’ll get an occasional snack of an energy bar, and that's probably the best food around here. I don't understand why I’m here. Then, out of the blue, a thick, green, hand opened the locked door.

“Come with me.” A gruff voice said. I stood up and walked with it. We walked for a while down a long hallway and it opened a door.

“So, you must be Ally. Good to see you. Sorry you had to wait so long in the dark room. You have been chosen to become A Destroyer, we will put you through training and it shall cost nothing. Except, leaving your human body. So, lets get to the training!” A Destroyer, I believe it was the first one ever, said to me, as it sat in an executive chair.

“WAIT! I never said I wanted to be A Destroyer. Don't I have a choice?” I screamed angrily at him.

“You do have a choice. You can choose to complete Destroyer training, or you can choose to endure the pain of being killed by A Destroyer, right now.” He said, a smug grin on his face.

“I choose, I choose, I’ll go through the training.” I reluctantly said. I didn't want to do either of those, but I figured if I went through training, I could escape somehow.

“Good. We start tomorrow. Here is your schedule, the rulebook and if any rules are broken, death is the top punishment. We treat our organization like a school. We are the teachers, you are the mere students under our command.” He said as he handed me a paper with a schedule on it, and a thick rule book.

“Eugene, take her to her room. Ally, I think you will find this room more luxurious.” He smiled as the other Destroyer ushered me out of the room, grabbed my wrist, and took me back down the long hall way. We walked in silence. Until I worked up the courage to talk to him.

“So, Eugene, how did you become A Destroyer?” I asked him.

“Same as you. I was turned into one at 16.” He said, rushing.

“How old are you now?”


“I’m 17 as well. Did you have any siblings, or family?”

“I had a big family, 3 brothers and 2 sisters. They all died in front of me while John turned me into this.”

“Is John the one we were just talking to?”


“My brother, I’m not sure if he’s alive anymore, but he left my best friend and I to find some food one day, and he never came back. Libby and him were boyfriend and girlfriend, and she and I missed him so much.”

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

“I used to have one, but we broke up.”

“What’s your brothers name?”

“Adrian. We’re twins.”

“Adrian, that name sounds familiar. I think he might be A Destroyer.

“Really? Will I see my brother again?”

“Maybe, I’m not sure. Well, here you are. Here is your key. Follow your schedule, read the rulebook, and you’ll be fine.”

“Thanks. See you tomorrow.” I ended our small talk as I walked into my room. I guess you could say it was a big step-up from the metal cage. As I looked out the window, I recognized the view. This was a hotel I was in! I had gone to it once with Adrian and my dad when I was 8. The bed was a luxurious queen bed with fluffy pillows. There was a TV and mini bar, along with a beautiful bathroom. It was heaven. Maybe being A Destroyer wouldn't be so bad. I would be powerful, unstoppable! It would be a perfect life. I looked at my schedule, to see what I had to do to be powerful.

destroyer plans


6:00- Wake up

7:00- Breakfast

8:00- Weight training

9:00- Run 10 miles

10:00- Rules of A Destroyer


12:00- Lunch

1:00- Run 5 miles

2:00- Rules of A Destroyer

4:00- distinct learning of A Destroyer

5:00- Rules of A Destroyer

6:00- Dinner

7:00- Run 1 mile

8:00- Meeting

9:00- Bed

Well, that's a nice schedule. Running 16 miles a day! Impossible for me! I cant even run 2 miles without falling. And why so many classes on the rules? And what the heck is the “Distinct Learning of A Destroyer”? Then I looked at the bottom of the page, and it read,



I decided to call and ask why I had to run so much! I picked up the phone in the hotel room and dialed the number.

“Yes Ally?” A voice asked.

“How did you know it was me? Who is this?”

“Its John, and I know it seems like a lot of running but that is why we are training.”

“Wait, how did you know I was going to ask that?”

“All the newcomers ask that. Pathetic really. 16 miles a day is not that much, because when you become A Destroyer, if you have been running 16 miles everyday, you will be in great shape for capturing fast humans and finding meals.”

“Oh, um, ok. Thanks, bye.” I hung up the phone. 16 miles was NOTHING compared to what Destroyers go through everyday. I’d get better at it anyway. Pain is victory, pain is victory.

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