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We finished the food but i didn't notice how it's dark now

"u-uhm... can we go home? Im tired.."
He then chuckled

"Alright then" he leaves the payment inside the small note and just called for the waiter to just pick it up

We went back to his car and drove off back to my apartment, the car is silent again, only the soft music you can hear inside, until i spoke up

"i-im just gonna pay you back for everything soon, thanks for the food..." i said playing with my fingers while my head looking down

"You don't need to, as i said early i'll treat you" and i nodded

After a few seconds of the silence, i'm starting to yawn softly and just realized im falling asleep

The last thing i heard from him was "have a good rest my bunny"

Morning have passed, my mind was awake but my eyes is not awake yet, so i continued to sleep with someone's cuddling me it was so comfortab-... Wait cuddling me?!

My eyes suddenly opened to find there's another person sleeping right beside me and that's none other than, Jeonghan. Sleeping with no shirt on, i blushed at what i saw

"goodmorning joshua" he opened his eyes and sit up, only to be found his six pack abs showing right in front of me, i blushed redly like a color of the tomato

"like what you're seeing my joshua?" he smirk

"Of course not!" i heard him chuckled while i keep blushing

"W-where i am by the way..."

"My house sweetie" i blushed again at the pet name

"stop using pet names jeonghan ssi!"

"stop using formalities too joshua ssi" he fights back in a playful tone

"Fine! Hmph!" i pouted and looked away to him, realizing what i was doing

'What the hell Joshua?! Why did you act like that?! UGHH" I mentally face palmed myself for doing that

Now i can hear him giggling and pulled me back, now i was facing to him, making an eye to eye, but i was going to remove his grip but was stop.

"J-jeonghan? What are yo-" i was interrupted by my so called boyfriend

"Don't go. Stay."

"Huh? B-but i have to! M-my mom is waiting for me" well guess what i freakin' lied to him. An obvious lie. I can see him having that slight frown

"Don't joke me around Joshua, I know you only lived by yourself" he hold me on both of my shoulder, i looked away

"I-... please i just need to go..." he sighed and let me go i stood up but stopped again by a hand gripped on my arm

"Eat breakfast first before you leave" he gives me a glare, trying to say 'don't you reject it' and i just nodded in response

"but i need to go dress first, hold on"

He came back after dressing, he wore a black shirt and a black pants

"come on" i followed him

He leads the way to the dining room, and i widen my eyes at how beautiful the place is, if only i could take picture of it but i don't have my camera on me

I sat down in random chair, while he's on other side of the table, but walked over to take the seat next to me

The maid came over with the dish they made, it was a waffles with chocolate syrup on top, my eyes sparkled at how the cook was well cooked and made.

After minutes, i finished the food, and i went to bring it to the sink

"You don't need to, my maids can take care of it" well i dont have a choice so i followed what he said

"your bag is in the rack, i didn't touched or anything, you can double check your stuff if you want"

"i'll believe you then" i smiled and he smiled back, the smile that gives me protection to evil people

"wait me here before you go" i was left all alone now by the door, and he went back with a red jacket

"Come on, i'll take you home"

"uhm you don't need to" he shooked his head and grabbed me by the arm to outside

"i- i can walk you know"

"Fine Joshua" he sulked and released his grip on me, now we're walking on our way to my house and we passed by Wonwoo looking at the shops, i went to him and tap his shoulder

"Oh hey joshua hyung!" he bowed at me and i greeted him back too

"How are you?" he was about to handshake on me but was stopped by jeonghan

"sorry you're not allowed to touch my boyfriend" he grinned, while i was embarrassed

"Is that true hyung!? Woah with the president to" he smirk and laughed

"Ok now im regretting greeting him" i said to my mind

"anyways what're you doing here by the way with your boyfriend?" he smirked while asking

"He was taking m-"

"we're going to a date Wonwoo ssi, please excuse us" he then grabbed me and walked far to the scene

"D-date..? Wha-??"

"listen pretty, let's make a rule here, number one, don't ever touch someone who's not me, except for your, relatives. But for your friends or classmates, your not allowed, only if i make them permission to touch you, but it's highly not going to happen, as if i'm going to let them do that easily, when You're mine now.

"B-but!" he puts his index finger on my lips to stop what i was about to say

"i'll let that slip it away but if i see other person touching you without my permission or explanation, i will rip their body off" he smiled, giving me chills

We finally reached the door of my apartment when i saw a sign "PAY YOUR RENT OR LEAVE YOU IDIOT!" i became more nervous now jeonghan was next to me, witnessing what we both saw, i quickly crumpled it and throw it to the the bin. I was looking at his eyes and has fiery look

"im doomed."

To be continued...

A/N: im tired, hope you guys enjoy this boring chapter! <3

February 06, 2023

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