Chapter 4

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Anyway, I walked into the house and told mom that I was back. I didn't really feel like talking to her, so I just went up to my room, changed into some comfortable clothes and started going through my text messages. I noticed that i had a message from an unknown number. I decided to open that one first and it read "How unlucky am I not to have you all to myself -A" I had no Idea who on earth this could be. So I just ignored the message and called Lexi instead to ask her what was going on earlier on.
"Hello?" She said with a croaky voice
"Hey Lexi, are you okay?" I was starting to feel a little bit uneasy. "No Jessica. I lost my grandma & grandpa. They were involved in a car crash earlier on" she started crying then just hung up before I could even comfort her. I really felt so bad for her. She always told me that her grandparents were the only people that understood her and spoilt her to bits. I thought of going over to give them my condolences but I decided to give them some family time. So I went to mom's room to tell her the news. "Mom?" I called out. "Here in my room" she said. I went over to her and told her the news. She was just as shocked and upset as i was. We decided to go see Lexi and her family tomorrow after school. "Care for a pizza for dinner? I'm really too tired to make dinner right now" Mom said as she broke the awkward silence. "Yes please. I'll call the pizza guy"
I went up to my room and called the pizza guy and he said he would be over in about fifteen minutes. I was damn hungry! So i decided to look for something to snack on in the kitchen then i went to watch some tv.
*ding dong * "Jess please get the door" Mom said from her room
"I'm on it" I rushed to the door, paid the man & received my pizza. My mom didn't really like fatty foods so i had the whole thing to myself! I opened the box and I nearly dropped dead because it just smelt too good to be true. I ate the pizza whilst watching Texas chainsaw. When i was done, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth & hair then i went to my room to sleep It had been such a long day and I really needed right now was sleep.

*next morning*
I slept in today! I had to get up real quick, wear whatever I could find and get my ass at school. I went on my bike today because mom had already left for work. I really hated going to school on my bike because everyone always laughed at me. The school i attended was one of the most expensive schools in the city of Seattle which was where I obviously lived. I only went there because I was on scholarship. The students drove expensive cars and wore designer clothes. I felt out of place at times.
Anyway I headed to school. I had already packed my books at home because i knew that I wouldn't be allowed at my locker during lessons. My first lesson of the day was English and guess who I sat in front of? Andrew. I dreaded going for English because i never concentrated.
I walked into the lesson which was only left with five minutes before the bell rang. People giggled as i walked in. I felt pretty cool because i had never made anybody laugh. "I'm sorry I'm late Miss.Hankins"
"You better be. See me after the lesson." She said with a cold look on her face.
I went toy place and sat down. I felt something hit the my back. I turned around and saw a note on the ground and it read Cute outfit -A. My heart sank. I just realised that the text I received last night was from ANDREW! -A was Andrew. I just couldn't believe it. Before I could reply him, the bell rang. I went to see Miss.Hankins, she looked at me from head to toe. "What's wrong?"
"I can tell you had a busy morning " she said with one eyebrow raised. "What makes you say so?"
"Look at yourself". . . . I nearly wet my pants because of embarrassment. I was wearing my ugs, pyjamas & sweater. I knew it! Andrew was being sarcastic. He would never tell ME of all people that I was wearing a cute outfit.
I never felt so bad about myself in my life before. And there was no way i could call mom and ask her to pick me up because where she worked was about 100km's out of town. So i just had to swallow my pride and act as if all was fine. Lexi wasn't at school today which was worse because i had no one to talk to all day.
*end of day*
For the first time today, mom was very early to pick me up which was good because I couldn't stand waiting in the car park with everyone staring at me like I'm some walking corpse. "Hey mom". She looked at me like she didn't know me. "Are you just gonna stare at me like this all day or what?"
"Jess what on earth are you wearing?" She asked. "Clothes, now can we go home so I can change and we go see Lexi's family". I could tell she was shocked by my response. We drove home in silence. When we got home, I went up to my room, changed into my black dress, wore pulling socks and my all star's. I told mom I was ready, she was done before me. We got into the car and headed to Lexi's.
There were so many cars parked outside the yard. That really showed me how lovely her grandparents were. I got out of the car and went into the house. Lexi was in the living room. It was so full of people that I didn't even know.
"Hey Lexi" I said as I gave her a warm hug.
She just started crying. I tried to comfort her then we went upstairs. "Lexi It's okay."
"No it's not Jessica. I've lost both my grandparents. Don't you lie to me!" She stood up and stormed out of her room. Why the hell did I say that? I'm such an idiot at times. I went downstairs hoping she was there.
She wasn't . . .
I felt a bit uneasy. Anyway I didn't want to seem like a pest to her. So I went up to mom and asked ifif we could leave. "Why so early?" She asked. "We'll talk at home."
So i went to the car and waited for her to come. I opted to drive. I was just so tired from the long day i had and I thought driving would help me get all the rubbish out of my head.
When we were driving home, I didn't realise that the traffic light was red.


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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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