Old Blues

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Dipper Pines was sixteen years old when he decided to take dancing lessons as a form of cardio, and at the time he didn't think anything would come of it. After all, how could dancing be any worse than running three miles every morning?

Of course, this was Gravity Falls, anything and everything could come from everything and anything.

Especially when you least expected it.

Squinting up at the building, he held up a piece of paper with the address and name. 'Dancing is like making music with your body... Yeah sure.' Dipper rolled his eyes while staring up at the slogan beneath the much larger sign. 

"Dancing In Zero Gravity." He tasted the name, shrugging. "Could be worse." It fits, given the town's name. And it really could be worse. It was a pretty big building, and had to be for the lessons she was teaching.

'And the Northwests aren't the type for subtlety.' Dipper laughed to himself.

He was about to spend the next three months hanging out here, learning to dance. It didn't sound so hard, his cardio was pretty great. The issue was being flexible, yeah, that was always the issue. Moving to one place? No issue, he was a speedy guy. Power? While he wasn't the bulkiest guy, he had some lean muscle. Average for his age. But he wasn't flexible, not one bit. Wasn't news to him, he'd been repeating that mantra for ages now. Dipper knew everyone back In Cali called him rigid for a reason.

So, he decided dancing was the best option for cardio. If anything to get him more flexible. Who knew what terrors he'd face with all the monsters and demons popping up more and more, ever since Bill's Weirdmaggedon even places outside Gravity Falls have been experiencing more paranormal activity. He needed to be in top physical condition if he ever wanted to take up the mantle Grunkle Ford set out for him.

And it all began with this.

Chapter 1: Old Blues.

Dipper Pines was taller than average at 5'10, just by one inch. He probably wasn't going to grow any taller, but that was fine by him. Sporting the hat Wendy gave him the day after his thirteenth birthday, he wore a red flannel and black jeans. Given how much time he spent with the Corduroys, it was bound to stick eventually.

And his glasses, his sight was off in his left eye so he wore glasses to counteract it, he didn't mind. And if Grunkle Ford was to go by, anyone could make glasses look badass if they knew how to pull it off. 

He was too lazy to use contacts anyways.

Standing just behind a door, Dipper sighed and adjusted his hat. Today would be the first time in a little under a year that he'd be seeing Pacifica Northwest, "Alright, remember the dynamic. You're a jerk, she's a ditzier jerk. Right." He exaggerated, laughing and shaking his head as he twisted the knob and stepped into the large gymnasium.

It smelled like sweaty old people and sweaty mats, and here Dipper thought he wouldn't have to face that smell again for at least three months. He groaned. "Welp, looks like Coach was right." The disco music blaring in his ears was a step up at least, beat listening to other dudes grunting for two hours after classes every day.

Dipper shook himself out of his reminiscing and surveyed the gymnasium, it was purple. Pacifica's favorite color, "Not surprised." And speaking of Pacifica, Dipper slowly approached the small training group from behind. One by one he noticed them, a few he didn't, but the others?

'McGucket? You're kidding me. Gideon's here too, wow he's lost weight. But still, McGucket? I'm impressed, didn't expect that guy to be this nimble at his age.' And looking better too, he'd even trimmed down that crazy beard of his and fixed his posture. But his eyes were still looking in different directions.

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