🎂Mark x Reader Event| B-day special🎂

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°🎉Happy B-day Mark!🎉°


U were told by Jett and Diana to keep an eye on Mark, since you were sometimes quiet and he thought u could easily handle him while everyone else is setting up a surprise party for Mark.
U thought that it would be cool if Jett distracts Mark instead.
U were searching for Mark, but u couldn't find him anywhere, so u decided to find him by reading his mind.

Mark: 'Where is everyone? Oh well, at least I can spend some free time by myself.'

U read Mark's mind, although, he's not that far from outside the academy. U turned your face around checking if he's around and u looked at Mark walking with his usual face, but u can see a small smile on his face, which made u smiled back.
He saw u running towards him.

"Oh hey, Mark!" U said

"...Hi?" Mark said awkwardly as he waved back at u.

"Wht'cha doin?" U said as u put your hands behind your back.

"Nothing, just-" for some reason, u decided to cut him off.

"Listening to music? Wht r u listening to?"

U snatched his headphones from his head and listened to wht he was listening.

"That's..." Mark spoke.



U listened to the music he was listening. U thought it sounded familiar as u began tapping your toes.

(Insert song in the comments)

"Hey I like it, wht song is this?" U asked Mark.

"Um... it's just..." Mark tried to say something, but u cutter him off. Again.

"Oh well nevermind that."


U tossed his headphones back into the air.


"OUCH! Who threw this?" Tozu said as u heard him from distance.
Then he looked angry and dropped it on the floor and stepped on it.
U weren't expecting him to do that until he walked away.




U looked at Mark staring at u with an intense glare. U chuckled awkwardly as u felt bad for breaking his headphones.

'Ok that was a stupid idea.' U thought.

"H-Hey look, don't be u-upset! I-I can get u new ones, I p-promise I'll make it up to u!" U exclaimed nervously.

"...No, it's not that...I mean, u *do* owe me one, though." Mark said.

Mark: 'I just had a feeling that everyone's avoiding me...not that I care enough, but it's strange.'

"Hey, Mark, do u know wht day it is, I forgot?" U asked Mark.

"It's Monday." Mark answered your question.

"Look, I'm sorry about your headphones, but I do have something for u." U said.

U went through your (f/c) cardigan looking for something. It took a few seconds and then. U pulled out a green present with a dark green ribbon.

"Happy birthday!" U said with a smile on your face. U handed his birthday gift to Mark.
"For...me?" Mark asked.

Mark: 'How in the world can she fit an entire box inside her cardigan.'
Mark thought.

"Well, I'm sure you'll like it." U said.

Mark teared the wrapper and inside was a new pair of black headphones with green flame design with his first initial on both sides. Again, a small smile appeared on his face.

"Thanks, but...u d-don't have to." Mark said.

"Well, luckily for u, I managed to get extra pair just in case." U said.

"I... appreciate it. Thank u, Y/n." Mark said as he sounded so happy, which made u feel happy.

"Of course, that's wht friends do, right?" U said.

"Um...well...when put it to that, we're still classmates. Then again, I think it's nice to be friends with our classmates." Mark said.

"I'm... surprised your... getting along with everyone...even though u never talk much."

"I know, I'm still shy to make friends, but sometimes, I have to get over my fear of talking to people. I mean we're the same. We don't like talking to people." U said.

"And it's true, I'm not the type who talks so often, just like u."


"Do...u wanna listen to my music? I'm still on progress of producing it." Mark asked u.

"Really? After I threw your headphones?" U asked Mark.

"Unless...that was on purpose...but don't ever do it again." Mark said.

"Don't worry, this time it won't happen again. Plus I think it suits u." U said.

"...Great." Mark said as he smiled.

U and Mark began listening to his music with his new headphones u gave him as a birthday gift.

Time flew by with u and Mark. Jett came out of nowhere and dragged Mark back inside the academy and u followed along.


Everyone came out of their hiding places, cheering happy birthday to Mark. He was happy seeing everyone, including u.

And thus, they celebrated Mark's birthday party all night while Tozu was sitting outside eating a piece of cake that u gave him.


Words count: 826 words

Published date: February 6, 2023

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