Venus Kingdom

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Past Queen: Kinsei
Current Queen: Minako (Venus)
Future Queen: Jina (Until Minako's and Rei's next cub is born)

Culture: Venusians are known for their beauty and chain wielding. While they aren't keen on battling they will if need be to defend family or their kind. The Queen would wield a large nest in the center of a large city and as if on instincts the other Venusian would come to aid her if need be. They are known for growing and becoming Wielders as well as great mates.

Death of The Past Queen: Kinsei was just as clueless as her cub most of the time but she knew when to stand and defend her cub. Minako was a happy go lucky cub and often played with Rei when the two of their mothers would take them to the moon kingdom for meetings. Kinsei loved watching all the cubs of her former comrades. When Mokusei had given out on the edge of her kingdom with a whimpering Makato at her side Kinsei lifted both her cub and the Jovian cub before trying to escape the Blinding Fridiak (Venusian name for Demon). She was the only mother to make it with the cubs to the moon kingdom alive but left shortly after only to be discovered by her past leader Serenity on the edge of the moon kingdom.

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