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Aomine sat on the bench watching kise and kagami one on one while the rest of the miracle gen exept for kuroko went back to the other recruits. Kagami smiled as she dribbled the ball.
"Alright kise I don't know your special move or whatever but I'm still gonna beat you"
"Oh please try me" kise grinned. In those moments kagami dribbled past kise and dunked. Aomine stared as he felt his cheeks get hot.
"Your blushing aomine-kun" kuroko smiled drinking water.
"What? No I'm not!" Aomine covered his face bringing his knees to his chest. "I only like girls" aomine mumbled. Kuroko kept teasing aomine as kagami walked over wiping her sweat off.
"Games over already?" Aomine asked
"Yea" kagami grabbed her water
"Who won?" Kuroko looked at kagami
"He got whooped" kagami shrugged sitting on the bench next to aomine.
"Come on one more time kagamichi!" Kise yelled
"Yo my name ain't kagamichi or whatever that shit is it's kagami" the red head grumbled "and no"
"Kise adds chi to who he respects I didn't like it either but you will get use to it" aomine yawned leaning back.
"Y'all's one on one is over already?" Midorima Said heading over to the group.
"Yea kise got whooped" kagami yawned "I'm hungry"
"Kise got whooped? Kise you lost? Moron" midorima turned to kise
"Only by a few points!!! I wanna go again this time I'll win!" Kise wailed
"Ok so aomine got super agility and kise is a copycat what do you do?" Kagami stared at midorima.
"He's our shooting guard he shoots crazy high threes and I've never seen em miss" aomine looked at kagami.
"Hm interesting that purple giant is likley a Defence Major but which leaves point guard so Akashi is y'all's passer?" Kagami asked
"No kuroko is he uses his lack of presence to pass the ball" midorima responded
"So what the hell does Akashi do?"
"He keeps everyone under control and orders us he his highly intelligent"
"Hm so you guys got every role on the team cool" kagami shrugged squirting water into her mouth.
"Everyone over here!" Akashi called everyone to the middle of the gym. "I've consoled with the coaches and there is only one that made the first string the rest of you are second or third" as Akashi said that whispers began some whispered "i bet it's gonna be me!" And others said "there's no way it's me" but kagami sat there unbothered standing by aomine and the rest of the miracle gen. Akashi pulled out a clipboard as he called off names. Starting with the third then the second. Kids got angry some yelled and others ran out of the gym.
"And lastly our first string player.. the only one made the first string first like us is Taiga kagami" Akashi announced as everyone looked to kagami who was grinning. Aomine nudged kagami as she stepped forward.
"Thank you Akashi" kagami nodded to the captain.
"Oo is he another one like y'all?" A pink haired women appeared from behind Akashi staring at kagami.
"Yes he is momoi" Akashi spoke to the women.
"Oh hi everyone I'm your manager Satsuki momoi!" The girl bowed.
"Ok everyone practice dismissed go home." Akashi said as everyone mumbled rude things about kagami like "he doesn't even look that good" and "bet he's nothin" kagami couldn't care less about the comments as she went and grabbed her gym back before a arm wrapped around her neck.
"Aye man we gotta celebrate your promotion!" Aomine smiled
"It's a annual thing you can't get out of it" kuroko said showing up next to kagami.
"Celebrate? Sounds good what's the plan?"
They all went to the gas station as they sat outside eating popsicles.
"Why do i have to pay!!" Kise complained
"Cause kagami whooped your butt" aomine shrugged.
"He was close to whooping yours!" Kise argued
"Close and did. are two different things" aomine smiled.
"So kagami I don't believe Ive seen you before and I would usually know a basketball prodigy when I see one so where did you come from?" Akashi asked
"Oh I'm from America theres a old professional player there that taught me everything i know and she told me because of my jumping power I'd be great" kagami shrugged
"You do have elite jumping power..you and aomine are very similar exept for one of you is the highest jumper and the other is the fastest" midorima commented
"Yea mido-chine is right" murisakibara agreed while kagami and aomine had the same look plastered on their face of *what are you talking about?* kuroko giggled looking at the two dumbfounded kids.
"One on one tomorrow?" Kagami looked to aomine with a smile
"Oh it's on I'll beat you again" aomine smiled
"Oh please!" Kagami smiled coyly as aomines Face got hot and he turned away shutting his eyes. "Yo dude you good is it something I said?" Kagami looked genuinely concerned as she made aomine face her.
"Kagami as anyone told you that you have a extremely feminine face?" Kuroko questioned
"WHAT? NO NO NO ONE HAS TOLD ME THAT" kagami Said getting nervous. Kuroko whispered something to Akashi who whispered something to midorima.
"Taiga talk with me kuroko and midorima Inside please" Akashi Said firmly. Kagami nervously nodded as she followed them inside. "Your a Girl aren't you" Akashi said not hesitating
"Your a Girl moron Your not good at hiding it" midorima added
"Shit... yea you caught me this mean I'm off the team?" Kagami sighed
"No kagami-kun you outshone every guy in that gym and if you can keep up the act i don't see why you can't stay on the team.." kuroko Said turning and looking at Akashi.
"Yes tetsuya is right just keep up the act and don't get caught got it?" Akashi looked at kagami dead in the eyes.
"Yea got it why didn't you say it infront of everyone though?" Kagami asked
"Because aomine and kise are morons and haven't caught on yet" midorima pushed up his glasses
"And besides it's fun to see aomine question his sexuality" kuroko smiled.
"What do you mean by that?" Kagami looked at kuroko.
"Nothin lets just get back to the group before they get suspicious" kuroko said while they all agreed walking back outside.
"Why did y'all go inside?" Aomine questioned
"Just discussing something with kagami why jealous?" Kuroko smiled
"No! Just curious" aomine blushed.
"I should head home- I'll see y'all later!" Kagami yelled
"Wait kagami what way you goin? I might live nearby and I can walk ya home!" Aomine offered. 'That Sounds Hella weird is he hitting on me? No way I'm dressed as a guy- he's totally straight he's just being friendly' kagami thought.
"Oh I'm goin this way" kagami pointed to the right of him.
"Well i gotta go that way to let's walk together!" Aomine Said as he grabbed his basketball and the two began to walk away. Kise snuck over to the rest of the group as he whispered.
"Is it just me or is aominechi way more happy and seems to have a crush on kagamichi?" Kise whispered.
"Dai-Chan is happy because Kagamine gave him a run for his money but you are right he seems to have a crush but I didn't think dai-Chan was gay.. atleast he never told me so" momoi said looking to kise.
"Momoi is right about aomine being happy but yes we are all getting the hint aomine likes kagami. But as I said kagami and aomine are similar so kagami is to idiotic to see it" midorima pushed up his glasses.
"I think it's sweet" kuroko smiled.
"Indeed maybe daiki will ask him out" Akashi added
"I'm gonna go home" murisakibara said turning around as he walked away munching on snacks.

/////with aomine and kagami/////////////

"Your twirling that basketball around like your itching to play" kagami looked at aomine who had the ball spinning on his finger. The two stopped under a street light staring at one another.
"Well I kinda do wanna play- I usually play by myself since everyone else claims they get enough practice or that their too tired" aomine shrugged
"Well shit, now I wanna play come on there's a court near my house" kagami grabbed aomines wrist running to the court.
"Never had somebody wanna play so late with me" aomine smiled
"While the street lights are still on and I can still see you better believe I wanna play" kagami smiled. As aomine began to dribble the ball. The two played for hours on end aomine winning every round and kagami loosing by one basket exept for the last were kagami finally beat him.
"Hell yea!" Kagami smiled brightly
"Well shit... I lost.. i actually lost" aomine looked surprised as he looked down at the ball in his hands.
"What you lookin like a Debby downer for? It was only a one on one and besides I'll take you on any day of the week day or night!" Kagami smiled at aomine as aomine looked up and blushed.
"That.....that would be great" aomine blushed as kagamis phone started to go off.
"Ah shoot that's probably my mom" kagami ran over to the phone and answered. "Hey Alex"
"Taiga! Do you know how late it is where are you?!" A women yelled through the phone.
"Well uhh about that I made the first string and I made a friend that's as crazy about basketball as I am so we are playing down at the court near our apartment" kagami laughed nervously rubbing the back of her head.
"Really? Taiga That's great! I'll be right down!" The women hung up as kagami smiled.
"Well let's keep playing! I never said we had to stop!" Kagami smiled picking up the ball as aomine looked excited. They both played for about five minutes before a blonde headed women ran to the courts.
"Taiga why are you dress as a-" the women was about to say man before kagami gave her a look. "Why are you dressed like that! You need better athletic clothes kiddo" Alex got the hint as she spoke.
"This is my friend daiki aomine" kagami smiled as aomine waved
"Pleasure to meet you!" Aomine smiled
"Good to meet you tk im Alexandria Garcia but you can just call me Alex"
"Alright Alex!" Aomine smiled
"Unfortunately Taiga has school in the morning so he will have to come home but on the weekends you both can play at this court till your hearts content"
"Oh that's alright! I'll see ya later tiger" aomine winked as he grabbed his stuff and left.
"Tiger?" Kagami looked confused as aomine disappeared into the night.
"Well you do resemble one" Alex laughed "so mind telling me why your dressed as a boy young lady?"
"Well... there's not a girls team! So I had to join the boys!" Kagami explained nervously as Alex's stern tone turned into a laugh.
"I'm not even your biological mother and you still act like me!" Alex laughed as she rubbed kagamis head. "Your alright kid just gotta be able to keep up the act"
"Well about that..3 guys already know but they said they weren't gonna say anything...." Kagami rubbed the back of her head.
"Kagami kagami kagami" The women sighed "i love you to much" she laughed "now come on kiddo let's go back to the apartment"

[tadaaaaaa!!!! Uhhhhh yea that's the second chapter Ik it was pretty long but I think it did pretty good I apologize for all of my grammer mistakes I'm never good at grammer lol comment ur opinions!]

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