Chapter 2- Short Talk

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Malia was leaning against Stiles' Jeep, waiting for her friends. She bit her nails as she got impatient and she pulled her phone out of her pocket.

Where are you guys?

Behind you

Malia turned around and scoffed. There was nobody there.

Just kidding 😜

Be there in a minute

Malia sighed, shoving her phone back in her pocket.

At times like these she wondered how the two of them became best friends. Stiles was the most annoying boy on Earth. And yet, she couldn't imagine her life without him in it. Stiles may get on her nerves all the time, but he's also always been there for her. He was the one that taught her most things about being a normal teenager.

Malia heard a noise and looked up to see Stiles running in her way.

"S-sorry," he gasped out. "Got in a little fight with Jackson."

"Where's Kira?"

"She's not coming. Scott offered to give her a ride on his bike," he said, grinning like an idiot. "Which leaves us two! Yay!"

Malia looked at him with her well-known 'I'm gonna murder you' look. "What the hell are you planning?"

"Nothing!" He smiled innocently. "Let's go!"

He climbed up his Jeep and Malia followed him. "Aunt Talia invited you for dinner," she said casually, when they were already driving to Stiles' house.

Stiles looked nervously. "She did? Uh... I can't go," he muttered and Malia frowned.

"Why?" Malia didn't understand. Stiles loved having dinners at Malia's place. Especially after he and Malia's cousin, Derek, started dating.

"I just can't, sorry," he whispered.

Malia touched Stiles' shoulder. "Is everything okay?"

Stiles smiled and nodded. "Yeah, just something Jackson said. Don't worry, I'm fine."

Stiles parked in front of his house and entered his house, Malia following him. They went upstairs and Stiles threw his backpack on the floor. Malia sat on his bed as he opened his wardrobe and grabbed some clothes.

"I'm gonna shower and we're gonna have a heart-to-heart talk," he said, grinning at her.

"About what?" She asked.

"YOU!" He yelled, closing the bathroom door after himself.

Malia rolled her eyes. She looked around and smiled at the wall full of photos. Most of them showed Stiles with his dad or with Kira. There were a few of his mother, Claudia, who passed away a few years ago. Of course, there were also a couple of group photos, where were Stiles, Kira, Malia and in some Scott and Cora, too. But the middle was reserved only for photos with Derek.

Malia looked fondly at the picture of Derek and Stiles kissing. She was the one who took it and gave it to Stiles on his birthday, knowing how sentimental her best friend is.

Malia sighed. She envied her friends. Stiles and Kira were in happy relationships whereas she was still single. It's not like boys didn't find her attractive - she's had sex several times, she even got asked out once - but the problem was, she couldn't forget about her crush.

Stiles came out from the bathroom and hopped on his bed, next to Malia. She looked at him expectantly. "What did you want to talk about?"


Malia groaned and hid her face in Stiles' pillow. "Please, no."

She heard Stiles' chuckle. "Oh yeah, we have all the time we need. Spill."

She threw his pillow at him. "I hate you, you're the worst friend in the world."

He gasped dramatically. "Oh Mal, you cut me so deep right now! Here I am, looking out for my friend only to-"

"Okay, I'll talk! Just shut up," she muttered. "But I really don't know what to tell you. I like Lydia, she'll never like me back, end of story."

Stiles looked at her with concern. "Sometimes it's good to talk to someone. You shouldn't bottle up your emotions."

Malia frowned. "I'm not... bottling up my emotions," she denied. "I just don't feel like talking about my hopeless crush." She stopped before grinning. "I wanna party."

Stiles raised an eyebrow. "It's Wednesday. You're not seriously suggesting we go to the Jungle, are you?"

Malia snickered. "Like we haven't done that before." She jumped off Stiles' bed. "See you in 3 hours. Pick me up. Bye, Stiles!" she shouted, leaving his bedroom.

Stiles shook his head. "What just happened?"

Nothing went how he planned it.


Even though it's a Malydia story, it will also focus on other characters beside Malia and Lydia.

Don't hate on me or this story, please. I'm not a skilled writer but I'm trying my best. Also, English isn't my native language so sorry for grammar mistakes.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Wolf characters.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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