Chapter 1

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Before anyone had powers, the four Zodiacs begin to attack. All seem lost till a lone Commander step forward and took up the fight. After his succession he was known as a head Commander of the Milestones and his story became legendary.

Chapter 1

A chopper was flying around a volcano that is calm, a red hair boy was flying around smiling. "Reno, the chopper," said someone on the radio. "I know, I know," says Reno, pulling up the chopper. "So what are we looking for again?" He ask looking around as the guy on the radio talked, "an elemental stone, whatever you can find will work." Reno flew his chopper down and look around, after entering a cave and dodging a bunch of traps he found a stone. After he picked it up, the ground is started to shake, "uh oh," Reno says to himself and runs. As he runs, rocks and lava starts coming down, but he managed to get out and fly his chopper away, "it seems that he escaped," a lion says with a scar across his eye while smiling. "What now?" A guy ask wearing all white with a brown hair, a guy with a long sword and a long white hair. "We wait, the Advent Child will wait and then will wake mother, Jenova."

Chapter 1: Getting the right person

"Order number 317 is ready," a boy with medium brown hair says. His name is Diego Cul, a fast food worker or as people call him a cook. He was flipping burgers and salting fries as he smiles, he is twenty three years old making a decent amount of pay. "Final order 327 is ready," after he says that he started to clean. After cleaning he got on his bike and rode home, as he rides home he stops to look up at the billboard to read the news, "who the hell is The Advent Child," he ask himself, he forgets it and rides home.

He took a shower, ate his dinner, and lays down on his bed slowly falling asleep.

"Here you go doc," Reno throws a stone at a guy with a stripe hat and blonde hair. "Thanks Reno, with this we can find a right person," the man says. After putting the stone in, it shows five people who are compatible, the men smile and sends the army there.

"Order number 117 is ready," it was a slow day at his job, rarely any customers are coming in. Just as he was about to head to lunch, a couple of military people come in, "Diego Cul, you have to come with us. Any resistance we will use force," one of them said as Diego looks at them. "Am I in trouble?" He ask, they just ignore the question and took him to the chopper, he wasn't a fan of heights so he just sit in the middle sweating like bullets.

Once they got there, the chopper landed and he walked behind the people. Once they got to the rooms he sees four other people, he stand at the end and comes in the strap hat man. "Nice to meet all of you, my name is Kisuke Urahara. If you saw the news, The Advent Child has awaken." "Who the hell are they?" A man with muscles ask, he looks like he does bodybuilding. "All I can tell you is that they want to destroy the world. Out of the five only one of you can weild a fire stone, that is one of the Stones we have right now. You need to find all Six Elemental Stones to defeat their leader." "His name?" A women ask as Kisuke just shakes his head, "too soon to call. Now let's get this going."

Diego was standing in line waiting for his turn, when it was his turn he walked into a room. There a stone was shining bright, as he picks it up, slowly but surely the stone enter his body. "We found our guy," Reno says smiling clapping his hands.

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