Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Cloud, Tifa, Barrett, and Diego are face to face with Shan Yu. "Congratulations, you have found...the hun army," after the black hair guy says that. The so called army came out of nowhere pointing their arrows and swords at them.

"There's got to be at least six hundred of them, more or less," Tifa says getting into fighting position. Diego look around terrified, 'this is bad, I haven't even master some of my fire yet,' he thought to himself looking around. Barrett on the other walk forward, "we'll take you down as well as 6th reactor down."

"Oh you see, I can't let you do that. But there is something you can do, you can die for us," he told told them. Everyone gets ready to attack, "huns...attack." After the guy said that, the enemies begins to attack, some pull back there bows and shoots their arrows, as the rest have swords to attack.

Cloud grabbed his buster sword, once some have gone to his range, he swings his swords to attack. He even shoots some fire and thunder at the enemies.

Tifa grabbed her gloves and put them on, she grabbed one of the huns and used him as a human shield then throws him. The girl also beat up some of the enemies.

Barrett uses his hand gun to shoot at the people using arrows, at the same time taking the guys around him.

Diego has changed his left hand into a sword slashing some enemies, he did kick them all. Right behind his back is Asuka, using her Katana's to strick the huns.

'There's one too many of them, how in the hell are we supposed to hurt them. It's not like I can Slash-,' after he thought that a slash of fire came out of his sword hitting the huns and almost the reactor, this made everyone shocked. Diego on the other hand, he had a plan, "Fire Punch," he yells but nothing happened. The huns smiling as one of them lift up their sword and slash down, "Fire Sheild."

'You want to be a hero.'


Small Diego nods looking at his mother, she has red hair as well as brown eyes. "Just like you or even grandpa," the small kid says with a smile as the women laugh. "Maybe you'll be like him someday...a hero that saves everyone. And if you do become a hero, I'll cheer you on," his mother says.

*End of Flashback*

'Thank you, for supporting me. I'll be the greatest hero, the greatest person anyone has ever seen,' he thought to himself. A giant fire shield blocked the attack as he looks at the huns sewing their shocked faces.

"You Huns messed up big time. If you survive this then you better remember the name, Fire Fist." He smiles as his whole fist blazed on fire, "I will gather all the stones and my name will be known as, THE PROTOTYPE!!" He yelled punching the huns making them fly. Steam was coming out of his left arm looking at the knocked out huns, "and don't you forget it."

Proto Shorts: The Sword

"Hi there, my name is Asuka, I'm something called a Shinobi or Ninja as you like to call it. I'm the granddaughter of the legendary Shinobi Master Hanzo; but I just call him Grandpa. I am a sword and I have friend name Yu-." "Hey Asuka," she heard and look at a blonde hair girl name Katsuragi. She comes behind her and gropes her, "Katsu!!" She yells feeling uncomfortable. "I hope I get to be in the next volume like you were on this volume," Katsu says as Asuka smiles, "well I'm sure you will be." Asuka smiles at her

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