Chapter 1

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3rd P.O.V

Hadrian was devastated as he stared down at the pregnancy test in his lap. He didn't know what he was going to do. He was pregnant with the Dark Lord Voldemort's child. Dumbledore definitely wouldn't let him keep his baby. "I need to figure something out. I can't let them kill or use my precious baby," Hadrian said to himself, gathering up all of his Gryffindor courage to figure out a plan of action for the good of his future family.

As Harry packed his bags, a knock came on the door. "Who is it?!" Hadrian yelled out while frantically packing and folding faster. "It's us, Feorge and Gred. We want to talk to you." George and Fred Weasley, his two platonic soulmates. Harry knew he could trust these two with his and his baby's life so he let them in. "Come on in guys. Quickly, please. I need to finish packing." Hadrian pushed them inside his room at Grimmauld Place.

Fred George Both

"So we wanted to-   talk to you Hades-   but obviously you have -   something more important-    to tell us. So spit it out Harrykins." The twins were curious as to why their honorary little brother was packing clothing. Then, they turned and saw a baby pamphlet on the bed right beside the trunk Hadrian was packing. "Oh, my Merlin! You're pregnant Hadri?! You have to go. They will make you kill the poor thing." They collectively said as they helped him pack and fold clothes faster. "I need to think up a plan to get out of here and tell Mar-... the father about the baby. He deserves to know," Harry says to them, though more to himself.

Then the twins told him something he never expected but he should have. They knew who the father was. They knew that the father was Voldemort but, they called him their lord. They were Death Eaters, they served the Dark Lord. "How do you guys know? Neither I nor Marvolo told anyone so how did you know?" Hadrian was concerned. What if anyone in the Order knew about his secret relationship with the man he loves? He certainly hoped not. It would cause many problems.

As Hadrian, Fred, and George picked up Hadrian's suitcases and walked through the floo system. On the other end, the three ended up in Malfoy Manor's sitting room. After casting cleaning charms on themselves, they looked around to see all three Malfoys and Severus Snape there. "Oh, hi guys," Hadrian said awkwardly as he waved stiffly. Snape and the Malfoys looked at Hadrian and the twins wondering what the hell they were doing in a dark family's home. Hadrian especially. He is literally the face of the light movement against the dark.

"Potter, what are you doing here?" Draco Malfoy asked while standing up. Hadrian smiled at Draco and the rest of the people in the room and just got straight to the point. "Okay so, I need to see... Voldemort. It is something I need to speak with him about and it is very important. I will explain it all later if he doesn't let you sit in on our discussion but I need to speak with him now." The way Hadrian was talking made them realize that the situation was urgent so Lucius hurried and got Marvolo fast.

When Marvolo got there and saw Hadrian, he brightened up slightly in his eyes though his pureblood mask was still firmly in place. "Hadrian! What are you doing here my love? Weren't you supposed to be with your godfather, Black?" He was a little frazzled but happy that his fiance/consort was in his presence. "Well, Marvolo, we need to talk," Harry said as he led the Dark Lord to sit down.

"What is it, love? Did the idiotic Order hurt you? You're staying here or at Slytherin Manor with me. Sorry love, I didn't let you speak. Tell me what's wrong?" Marvolo was holding Hadrian's hands and moved closer to him with a look of pure love and affection. Hadrian swallowed, took a deep breath and decided to just jumped into his explanation. "Okay. Well... I'm pregnant with your baby. I can't stay there anymore. They will make me abort the baby and I can't let that happen and I needed to tell you too. I just..." Then suddenly big arms were wrapped around Hadrian. Marvolo let his head fall into Hadrian's neck.

"This is great news, sweetheart. I cannot wait to see our beautiful baby." Marvolo said as he placed one of his big hands on Hadrian's still-flat stomach. Marvolo was happier than ever as he looked and smiled up at his beautiful consort. But, the sweet tender moment was interrupted as Severus Snape did something sorely out of character. "Okay, what in Merlin's name is happening? My Lord, if I may, since when were you and the Potter boy together let alone engaged? It sounds like he is pregnant. Can we please get an explanation?" Severus was distraught. He never thought he'd see the day when the Dark Lord and Harry Potter would be even remotely civil let alone look at each other with such love in their eyes.

"Well, Professor Snape, Tom- sorry- Marvolo and I have been dating since my fourth year at Hogwarts. Though we have been engaged since the summer before my sixth year. I'm sorry but we wanted to keep everything under wraps. We didn't know whether certain people would overhear and tell Dumblebee. Also, yes I am in fact pregnant with Marv's baby and I'm hoping to keep this away from Dumledore's knowledge for as long as I possibly can. We can not have him trying to find us to use or kill our baby." Hadrian sighed in exasperation. He was completely over having to hide in the shadows never knowing if Dumbledore would pop from around a corner and try to hurt his family.

Meanwhile, The Malfoys and Severus were absolutely baffled. They never expected something like this to ever happen. Not to mention for it to happen in their own home. They were happy, to say the least, that they didn't have to worry about the Dark Lord ever finding happiness. "So, when is the wedding? We want to know how much time we have to get our tuxedoes," Draco said as he spoke for himself and the Weasley Twins. "And I would like to know how much time I have to get a wedding designer and do your wedding preparations," Narcissa said speaking for the first time since Hadrian got there.

As everyone came to terms with this highly shocking and new information, they all huddled up in the private family sitting room to talk about wedding plans, baby names, and nursery ideas. "No, I'm just saying some shades of yellow would go great on the nursery walls. The color is gender-neutral and we can always paint over it as the baby gets older. That, or we can just do jungle, ocean, astronomy, or desert themes for the nursery. I just want my baby to have a safe and comfortable sleeping space as they are growing up," Hadrian explained. Everyone agreed with him. They wanted this little miracle baby to have the best of everything. The little thing hadn't even been in its mother's womb for 5 months yet and it already had a full arsenal of people willing to spoil and fight to the death for it. Not to mention the fact that the arsenal of people will continue to grow.

To Be Continued because I'm experiencing writer's block even though I am no writer and all my shit is garbage

(Word count: 1282)

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