Chapter 2

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      As Harry lies in his shared bed with Marvolo, he thought of how much has changed since he finally left the Order's clutches. He thought about how safe he has felt since leaving them. He rubs his baby bump as his thoughts stray to what could have been if he hadn't thought to immediately tell his now husband, what could have happened if the Order got to him first. They would most likely have imprisoned him in the basement and thrown numerous abortion charms at him. 

   With that in mind, Harry's thoughts start to stray down a darker path. A path that would surely depress him if Marvolo hadn't snapped him out of it. "Love, I know what you're thinking.  I promise that I would never let that happen. Ever. Our family is safe and sound. You two, above all, will always be safe. Even if I have to die making sure of it." Harry didn't want his husband to risk his life just to keep him safe but, he knew not to argue. Marvolo would find a way to survive. He was sure of it.

  "No, Marvolo. We are all going to survive this. We will all get through this, together. I promise you that, my love." As Hadrian said this, he snuggled into his fiancee a little bit more. Saying 'I love you' in actions instead of words while Marvolo did the same, kissing Hadrian's forehead. Hadrian smiled at the affection given to him and closed his eyes, basking in his fiancé's warmth. 

  As Hadrian closed his eyes to sleep, the last thing he heard was "Sleep tight, my love. I will be here in the morning for you both." Marvolo had realised that Hadrian was afraid to go to sleep for fear of the love of his life both being there. 

——————— LINE BREAK———————

 The sudden urge to throw up hit Hadrian's senses like a bullet train. Rushing, he freed himself from Marvolo's loving hold to bend over the toilet in their shared en suit bathroom. "URGH," Hadrian retched, trying desperately to satisfy his need to regurgitate everything he ate the day before. "Are you alright, my love," asked Marvolo while he rubbed Hadrian's back. "Do you need water? I can go get it for you." 

 With that, Marvolo got up from his position of kneeling at Hadrian's side to get him a glass of cold water. When the onslaught of vomit aggression finally stopped, Hadrian got up, washed his mouth, and went back into his bedchambers to lie down. He was met with the sight of his fiancé standing there holding a glass of water and smiling at him. 

  "You alright, love? That was a pretty violent vomit session you had there. Here, I got you some water." Marvolo was a little worried. Of course he was, this is his wife-to-be. The person that is pregnant with his baby and their heir

"I'm perfectly fine, love. Just a little nausea. I will be okay." Hadrian took the glass and dunk half of the cup. ".... Maybe a little thirsty too." He and Marvolo chuckled together. Just as Hadrian placed his glass down, ready to cuddly up to his fiancé, a knock sounded at the door.

(Word count: 539)

Cliffhanger sorta. I can't go on I hurt so I'll see you later

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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