Protologue: Arabian Nights

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(Start with the video before reading)

"Now that we got that out of the way, let's change up the scenery, shall we sibs?" 

As Yakko throws away Dot's script, he then reaches up and pulls the scene changing blind, and we see the kingdom of Agrabah. A place of enchantment, wonders, even some dangers. On this night in the desert, there are two men. One with blended sand-colored rags who was out of breath from just running, and the other with elegant royal red like robed clothing, looking down the other with a glare.

"You're late."

"Sorry oh patient one, had to slice a lot of throats to get this." He then brings out a golden beetle like piece of treasure that is split in half down the middle, missing the other half, out from his sleeve. Before the man in red could grab hold of it, the smaller of the two snatch it away.

"Not so fast, the treasure?"

The short man then felt a sudden pain in his hand as a mini contraption snatched the piece. It looked to be a metal looking eagle with red soulless eyes, and it released the gold beetle from its beak into the red wearing man's hand.

"Ooh, another shiny! Isn't pretty Brain? So-" The robot bird said in a high and nasally before it was cut off by a punching sound inside the bot's body.

"What was that?"

"Do not threat my dear friend. Soon, you and I will both have our fair share of reward." The owner of the bird said, ignoring the thief's question.

The man with the bird pulls out the other half of the beetle from his pocket. Once the two pieces became one, the beetle glowed to life and flew away with a speed of a shooting star. The men went on their horses and followed the golden bug until it landed into a small hill of sand. The bug then slit apart and made two glowing eyes, and the sand morphed into a giant tiger head with its mouth open to revel a staircase that leads to the glowing unknown in its throat.

"Who disturbs my slumber?" said the Tiger head asked in a booming deep voice.

"At last, The Cave of Wonders." The royal red man then looks to his companion and finds him chuckling nervously to himself.

"Well, this looks fun. But I think I'll chose life today."

Before the short man could go too far, the taller of the two grabbed hold the scarf around his neck and yanked the guy in front of him.

"Oh no, we had a deal Fudd. Now listen very carefully." He brings Fudd to close eye level and instructs him with a deadly serious tone. "Bring me the lamp first and for most. You can keep the rest of the treasure, but the lamp is mine. Understand?"

"Okay, ok, sheesh. I got it."

When Fudd was out of ear reach, the royal robed man turns his back to him and scolds the robotic bird.

"You two are lucky we were in a hurry, rodents."

The bird's chest then opens up to revel two white mice, one controlling the contraption, and the other with his lower lip pulled over his face.

"Apologies lord Salazer. Pinky has a tendency to be too excited at some of the worst times." said the smaller mouse with pink eyes and an egg like head.

"And you're supposed to make sure his ignorance doesn't get in the way of all our hard work. Remember our deal. Both of you." He glares at both of them.

"Sorry Brain and sir. I pinky promise to stay quiet." The taller one with light blue eyes smiles with his buck teeth to behold and right paw raised with his pinky out.

"See that you do. Now silence." Salazer turns away as the robot eagle's chest closed back up. The three of them then stand and watch their hired thief speak to the cave.

"Who disturbs my slumber?" The cave repeats in a more irritated tone.

"I-it is I, Elmer Fudd." Fudd stutters as he bows down on his hands and knees in fear.

"Hmm, know this. Only one may enter here, one that's worth lays far within, the diamond in the ruff."

Fudd turns to look at Salazer with worry.

"Well don't just stand there, go!"

Seeing that he's already in too deep now, he slowly walks to the cave's mouth with big and careful steps. Closing his eyes, he brings one foot onto the first step of the stairs.

After a second of silence, Fudd was relieved to see nothing had happened. Unfortunately, his sigh seemed to have jinxed himself.

The cave screamed a mighty roar that caused the ground to shake. Try as he might to escape, it was all ready too late. The tiger's mouth shut, and the cave morphed back into its original form.

"Aw, where did the funny little man go? I was hoping to have tea with him after this." Ask Pinky as the bird's chest.

"He's deceased Pinky, we won't be hearing from him anymore." Brain answered.

"Well, that's a shame. If he wanted deserts, all he had to do was ask."

"Sigh. Anyway, what is your plan now my lord?" He asked while bringing the beetle back to Salazer with the robot's clawed feet.

"Well, seeing that Elmer Fudd was obviously not the one, we will patiently search for another. We find this 'diamond in the rough."

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