Studying with them

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Finney blake

-He would actually study with you
-if you didn't know something he would help
-y'all would get an A+

Robin Arellano

-he wouldn't even try too do the homework or even study
"Can we not do this and watch a movie?"
-y'all would cuddle cause you didn't wanna do it too
-you guys would get an f- cause y'all didn't do the studying

Vance hopper
-he wouldn't even study at all
-he wouldn't even look at the papers😭
-you make him study and he barely does any work
-you get an A and he gets an F
-and he gonna get held back agai-

Bruce Yamada

-He would study with you for a bit cause he got baseball practice
-you will get an A+ but somehow he gets a A+ even tho he studied a little bit

Billy Showalter

-he would do all the work and not let you do anything😭
-you would get an A+ somehow

Griffin Stagg

-you would need to help him understand
-once he gets it he tries to help but he doesn't know what to do he just sits there
"Hey bubba can we do this later"
"No love we have a big test tomorrow"
-you get an A+ and he gets B+

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