Stage 1

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Bullets fly past an escapee, who ran down what used to be a play ground for kids. A bullet hit a nearby pole, startling him for a second. The air is hard to breathe, but he's determined to flee. 3 other people were following this man in a red jumpsuit. Their identity's remained unknown. What was known was they had automatic rifles, The XAR-80 (An upgraded galil built and issued in Aspen). Anyways, this man jumped over a cars hood and darted down an alleyway. He's lucky no scavengers or wanderers were around. He found a door that was open slightly. He ran right inside the building, slamming the door closed behind him.

His breathing calmed, he was safe. A quick glance around showed him being inside what seemed to be an old pharmacy. The shelves were empty, dust covered the spaces vital medicine one were. Bugs and small rodents would scurry about. The smell of a rotting corpse filled his nose. Gross. He tried to turn on the lights, no luck. Glass shards covered in blood scattered near the front door, which had been stolen off of its hinges. He collected himself, his thoughts, and some gear he had on him and adventured out.

7 loud planes roared overhead, heading west. That was annoying. Anyways, this guy roamed the ruined streets of Bethlehem, looking for a place to rest. Nearly after 4 hours of continuous walking and pausing, he saw 2 other people. They locked eyes. One of the other people looked to the other and said something, unknown. He knew they weren't Aspen security, since their masks looked worn and dirty. The one on the right walked over to the man and took his mask off.

"One hell of a journy you must of been on, huh?" He said jokingly. "Jasper, you?" His hand came out, waiting for him to shake it. "Aaron." the man in the red jumpsuit said. The other person came over to Aaron and Jasper and took off their mask. She was a white girl with dirty black hair, cut Super short. A long scar ran across  her forhead. "And I'm Jenn, Jaspers older sister". She said mockingly, Jasper scoffed, annoyed with her. "What is someone like you doing out in the streets?" Jasper asked. Aaron sighed, "I escaped, i- I want to get to New Allentown" Aaron said, coughing afterwards. Jenn took Aaron's hand. "Your lungs must be killing you" She said, putting her mask on afterwards. She then said to Jasper, "Let's take him back home". Jasper nodded in agreement.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2023 ⏰

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