Zim X sad! nonbinary! reader

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In this one shot, the reader just came out to their parents as nonbinary, their parents didn't accept them so they ran to their only comfort... A cute little Irken they came to love with all their heart

THE PICTURE ABOVE IS NOT MINE!! I found it on google

B/G is born gender


Y/n pov

Tears were streaming down my face as I ran from the people that never accepted me. I ran for a while until I found my boyfriend's strange little house. I smile upon seeing the cute house and speed up as much as I can.

I pant as I get to the front door and knock twice before Zim's robot, GIR, opens the door.

"HI!... Wait a minute whys you so saad????" GIR asks as he looks sad as well.

"Is Zim h-home...?" I ask, stuttering and shaking from crying so much.

"YEAH! Come with mee!" GIR responds, gently taking my hand and leading me to Zim's underground base.

"MASTER! Y/N'S HERE!!" GIR screams into the base. Not too long after I hear quick footsteps coming from one of the hallways.

"Y/N! Thank goodness you are here I need-... what's wrong?" Zim asks softly, taking my hands in his and inspecting my tears with his big magenta eyes.

I sniffle and hug Zim, Zim quickly hugs back "i-i came out to my parents t-today... T-they told me that I was born a B/G, my spirit is a B/G, therefore I'm only a B/G... It hurt, Zim... They don't accept me being non-binary..." I say sobbing. Zim looks down at me with sad eyes and gently pets my hair/rubs my head (for any of my bald readers 💖 or ya just like head pats, we don't judge ⛄)

"Zim is sorry you went through that... Do you want to cuddle and stay here for a few days...?" Zim asks softly as I look up at him (yes, you're going to be a little bit shorter than him cuz I think it's cute 🫶 sorry if u don't like it 😔)

I smile a little and nod. "Yea... I would love that"

Zim smiles softly before gently taking my hand and leading me to the living room. We sit down together and cuddle for a while before I start falling asleep...


426 words

Hi! Sorry, it's so short... My thumbs hurt and I need to get to bed 🥲

I wrote this because I needed some comfort from Zim because of my parents.
They didn't accept me when I came out to them and it hurt a lot...
So yeah! I wrote this 🥰

You are loved! No matter gender, sexuality, pronouns, and things like that!
I love you and I accept you 💖🫶


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