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"Uhmmm it's just a prank by my friend.. Uhm chan! I swear!" i was in panic that i couldn't think any solution for me to get away with this, but my former friend came to my mind and that happens. I just mentally prayed for myself what's about to happen

"Well then... If i talk to your so called friend, Chan they put it as a prank and they didn't agree to this, you will have your first punishment my joshua" he smirked and walked away but i stopped him

"f-fine! It was the landlord... He came because...." jeonghan sighed
"because... to ask me for the money for the rent i haven't paid last 2 months..." i lowered my head while gripping on his coat, begging him not to go

He sighed and begins to talk

"Joshuji, you know this is your second time lying to me, and i hate lies." i lip bite feeling upset he hold my chin to look to him

"look to me while im talking. Im never   going to repeat this." he deep sighed, while im trying to pray for the best

"I'm not going to your friend anymore okay? I just feel upset you tried to lie to me again today. And, what's worse is, your life depends on it. What do you do if i didn't knew about this, will you not care and wait for them to ask you to leave and just live in random alleyway or anywhere?" i mumbled a sorry, and he patted my black hair.

"will you let me pay for your rents?" i nodded hesitately and he smiled, that smile, that gives me comfort

"O-only this time... but next time i'll pay for the rent again.." he chuckled and made an okay hand sign.

We went to the landlord's office, and at first the landlord didn't accept jeonghan's payment for me, so i didn't forced him to do it anymore, but when jeonghan tried to reason again, the landlord gave in and let jeonghan pay for my rent, after that, we went back to my room

"alright, thanks for bringing me home jeonghan." i bowed at him but he shook his head and let him in by himself inside and went to sit at the couch

"I thought you're just going to bring me home-?" i questioned and he looked at me

"huh? I thought i said we're going to have a sleepover on your house tonight and have a movienight?" i was confused

"what?? But you sai-" he shush me and hugged me

"dont you love me anymore joshuji? So that's why your kicking me out after i paid for your rent?" i blushed at the nickname he mentioned

"Wha? What are you talking about j-jeonghan? I do love you and im not kicking you out" jeonghan put a smirk and whispered to my ears

"Gotcha. I love you too my joshuji" he winked and i even blushed redly at this time. I didn't knew he could be playful too when it comes to this

"Fine we're gonna do a sleepover and a movienight" i rolled my eyes

"I'll be right back, i'm just gonna cook for our dinner" i walked to the kitchen and gets ready the ingridients for the main course for today

While i was cooking, i felt a hand hugged on my waist, i was surprised and turn around to see the very familiar face

"Jeonghan you scared me!" he giggled and snuggle his head to my shoulder

"i was bored" he continue to snuggle at my shoulder like a koala, i didn't such a cold person can be this clingy...

"Hey joshuji wanna do something?"

"what do you want this time?" i questioned while he smirk, meaning something he is planning

"Well i want to mark you as my property" I was confused what he is talking about then he leaned his face to mine, i close my eyes on what was about to happen, after five seconds, i didn't feel anything

"Joshuji, the food is about to get burnt"

" what?!" i quickly opened my eyes and gets busy to my cooking, i can hear how much he is laughing right now, my cheeks flushed at what just happened

The food is finally done, it was almost burnt. I started eating mine right away, ignoring his presence

"joshuji is sulking because, he didn't get the kiss early?" he pfft

I feel like he's only playing with me... And in the end he will eventually leave me...

"I-i have to do my homework, you can do whatever you want" he smirk

"i'll come with you, i have to do my homework too" he followed behind me

I opened my room and went to get an extra chair for jeonghan to sit on

And we started doing our homeworks, but i can focus much to my homework as jeonghan's hands keeps brushing to my thigh getting nearer to mine

"jeonghan, s-stop we have to do our homework" i whined

"Okay but lets do it later" he smirk and continues to do his task, while i was confused on what he said

"Huh what do you mean?" he ignored me, and 10 minutes later we finally finished our homework just when i about to stretch my arm, he kissed me right away.

"j-jeonghan what are you- doing?"

"marking my own property" he licked my neck and start making red marks everywhere, i was holding my moans but he made me release it

"i wanna hear you pretty boy"

"mhnnn~" my first moan

"Sound beautiful as expected" he said while continues to suck my neck, he goes to my earlobe this time and licks it and sucking it making me moan a bit loudly this time

"ha-hanni~ mhhh"

He's hands made its way to my chest inside my shirt, and continues playing with my nipple, while sucking my earlobe and neck, while i only have to do was moan

There was so much going on right now, and im literally new at this kind of thing, i was nervous the whole time

And after a short session, he finally stopped

"Let's call it for that short session we had" he smiled while i was panting

To be continued....

A/N: meep, a surprise is coming later

February 08, 2023

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