42 7 0

The next morning we ate breakfast, studied a bit and played some games until Sungmin sadly had to leave us.

@youngsox posted a picture

@youngsox last picture with my bf @sssxngmxn @sssxngmxn, @dqeunx and 16829 others liked this pictureview all 27038 comments

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@youngsox last picture with my bf @sssxngmxn
@sssxngmxn, @dqeunx and 16829 others liked this picture
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@username1 hes your boyfriend??
    |@username2 no
    |@sssxngmxn noooo wtf
    |@dqeunx lmaoo
@username3 you guys are so prettyy
    |@sssxngmxn thank you

'You know im quite curious about who Sungmin keeps meeting', i said.
'Samee, it can't be a girl right?', Daeun meant.
'Are you in love with him?', i asked.
'What??', Daeun said shocked.
'I mean you always say he wont get girlfriend', i explained.

'Thats just a joke', Daeun meant.
I nodded.
'Even tho he is good-looking i would never be able to see him more than a friend' she stated.
I nodded again.

'Anyways lets study for maths okay?', i said trying to change the mood.
'Yess', Daeun said with fake enthusiasm.
I laughed at her.

'I didnt really get what Eunwoo explained to you', Daeun said.
'Why didnt you say anything?', i asked her.
'I dont know, you guys made me feel insecure i guess, she said.
I again explained everything i could remember
from what Eunwoo told me.
'Ahh now i understand, thank you so muchh', Daeun thanked me.

'Eunwoo really is good at explaining', she said.
'I know right!!', i meant.
'Talking about Eunwoo, was he the one who texted you yesterday?', Daeun asked.
'How do you know?', I also asked.
'Just a thought', she answered.

Her question made me remember that i didnt answer him yesterday.
I felt sorry so i decided to text him.



sorry for not texting you
but my friends were at my place

I put my phone away and talked with Daeun.
'Wait when does my bus come?', she asked.
I checked the time and said 'in 20 minutes'.
Daeun nodded and got all her stuff.
We then went to the bus stop and waited until her bus came.

@youngsox posted a picture

@youngsox <3 @dqeunx @dqeunx and 5374 others liked this pictureview all  962 comments

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@youngsox <3 @dqeunx
@dqeunx and 5374 others liked this picture
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@username thats such a cute picture
@username1 why does daeun look so annoyed HAHAH
    |@dqeunx lmao
@username2 ❤️❤️
@username3 cutee

As soon as i got home i decided to check if Eunwoo texted me back.
He didnt.
I hoped it wasnt because i didnt text him and that he just has other things to do.
I was on my phone for a while until i decided to go to sleep.

I woke up and immediately checked my phone.
No message from Eunwoo.
I didnt let it bother me and decided to get ready.
I didnt have anything to do since its sunday.

@youngsox posted a picture

@youngsox im so bored@dqeunx, @sssxngmxn and 7839 others liked this postview all 5782 comments

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@youngsox im so bored
@dqeunx, @sssxngmxn and 7839 others liked this post
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@username youre so prettyy
@username1 where did you get your tshirt from??
   |@youngsox from some store in i'park mall
        |@username1 thank youu
@username2 i love you


do you want to go
to starbucks


me too


okay lets meet there


see you guys there

We met at starbucks and spend some time together.
I got home and studied for maths.

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