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KEVIN WAS BEING nosey as per usual and had decided to go through his sisters mail, the first few packages were just clothes but a letter addressed to her from the doctors office caught her attention

His eyes widened as he read letter, he couldn't believe it, it was a confirmation letter for a baby scan, his little sister was pregnant, he was going to kill ddot.


The guilt was eating away at ddot, he knew the kids between him and Mai was wrong, Vinnie was carrying his child and he had made a big mistake a mistake that he couldn't go back and fix that was what made it harder for him

ddot felt so disappointed in himself and the only one to blame was him

Vinnie grinned as Ddot entered the room "babyy, I've missed you" she jumped into his arms before giving him a kiss

"I missed you too" he smiled back at her, Vinnie grabbed his hand placing it on her stomach where a small bump was forming "you feel the bump, our little baby's growing" she said proudly

Ddot smiled as his hand rested on her small bump, his hands moved from the bump to her face pulling her into a kiss

after the kiss ended vinnie decided to tell him about the checkup she was going tk have for the baby "I've got something to tell you-" Vinnie was cut off by her door slamming open and Kevin barging in

ddots smile dropped as he entered, the two still clearly didn't like each other

"What do you want kevin, are you ever gonna learn how to knock" Vinnie rolled her eyes at her older brother not questioning the angry expression he had

"Is there something you two want to tell me" he looked between the two before speaking again "you got my little sister pregnant" he said angrily

Vinnies eyes widened at his words, she had been avoiding telling her brother about the baby but somehow he had found out "Kevin calm down" Vinnie sighed

"Don't tell me calm down, since when did you become a whore" he shouted angrily, he truly didn't understand how his little sister had got pregnant so young he was so disgusted

Ddot screwed his face at the choice of Kevin's words "don't call my girlfriend that" he defended Vinnie

"She's my fucking sister, you lucky I don't boom you right now rs" Kay shouted angrily, Vinnie watched hopelessly as the two boys argued, she could sense a fight was going to break out eventually if she didn't intervene

"Just shut the fuck up the two of you" she shouted causing both of the boys to turn silent "ddot loves me and I love him and I don't care what you think cause I'm keeping the baby regardless"

"Im so disappointed in you" Kevin shook his head before storming out

"You okay?" Ddot turned to Vinnie who looked slightly sad "yea I'm fine" her voice croaked almost as if she was about to cry, Kevin's words hurt

"C'mere" Ddot pulled her into a tight hug deciding right then that Vinnie could never know about him and Mai she had already gone through enough

(Felt like being a boring bitch today so this is all you get)

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