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"What's wrong with blue and green?" Jayson glanced from Kasie and back to the road

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"What's wrong with blue and green?" Jayson glanced from Kasie and back to the road.

"Everything is wrong with that combination. First of all, forest green with damn near periwinkle is the ugliest shit I've ever heard of in my life, and I've heard some weird shit before." Kasie frowned as she continued to scroll through Jayson's files.

They were currently on their way to his tattoo appointment with Steve Wiebe at a hotel, and Kasie took this time to review his file so she could start looking into the furniture and eventually furnishing.

So far, Jayson's taste was horrible. He couldn't decide if he wanted to have a homey, modern, white & black with an accent color, sleek decor, or a more woody, green, earthy type.

So, what was his resolution? To try and talk Kasie into combining the ideas into each other. Although it was definitely doable, and could come out looking beautiful, the colorways that Jayson wanted were absolutely horrendous.

Yes, Jayson was technically her client and he was paying her for whatever it is that he wanted, but on the same token, Kasie wasn't about to turn his beautiful Newton, MA home into a circus.

"Okay, what about a lime gree-" He tried to propose another color but immediately got shut down.

"No, pick one." She brought her fingers to rub her temples as she felt a headache forming.

"How about this: full creative freedom." He smirked as he quickly looked at her and then back to the road as he merged onto the highway heading towards Oakland.

"Now we're talking. What are my guidelines?" Kasie smiled, opening up another document in his file to revise.

"None other than you gotta ask Deuce how he wants his room." He shrugged, moving his right hand that was once on the gear shifter down to rest on her left, inner thigh.

"Duh, I was gonna do that regardless. Anything else?" She laughed.

"Nah just-"

"You do realize that saying "nah" and then following with another statement qualifies as you having 'something else' to say, right?" Kasie interrupted him. Jayson side-eyed her before mimicking her in a squeaky voice.

"Don't sound like that, but go off I guess." Kasie laughed.

"Mmcht, you wanna know what I had to say or not?"

"So you admit that you had something else to say?" She smirked.

"I will karate chop you in your throat, see how much shit you gotta say then. Now are you going to listen or what?" He squeezed her thigh tightly making Kasie squeal as she was very ticklish ... like oddly ticklish.

"Okay, okay, you got it, dude." She slapped his hand as she laughed.

"Right, as I was trying to say- say another thing I swear-" He smacked his lips as he saw Kasie about to say another smart thing.

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