Jungkook I need you

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I walked to his house i didn't want to drive and besides we live right next to each other anyways

(Btw Felix is on my right and jungkook is on my left)

I knocked on the door he opened it he then smiled

Jungkook: hello Y/n pleasure seeing you he-

Before he can say another word i grabbed him by his shirt i pushed him on the couch straddling him with a knife to his neck

Y/n: what have you done to lisa huh?

I pushed the knife deeper in his neck

Y/n: what have you done with my sister Huh?

Jungkook laughed while he had his hands up

Jungkook: awwww Y/n i guess i haven't been fully honest with you

He said with a fake pout

God he's making it hard for me not to slash him right the fuck here

Jungkook took off his



To reveal a wig cap next he has very long luscious hair gooooooodddddd he looks so hottttt

But Y/n don't get attracted to him he's a fucking killer for crying out loud he kidnapped your sister faked her death then killed lisa he's a fucked up human

But Y/n don't get attracted to him he's a fucking killer for crying out loud he kidnapped your sister faked her death then killed lisa he's a fucked up human

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His HAIRRRRRR!!!!!!!

Don't worry i was as shocked as y'all are

Y/n: your short hair was only a wig?

Jungkook: yea this is how a lure my victims then i kill them

My hand goes looser on the knife

Y/n: jungkook why?

Jungkook: all i want is love but they grow board of me after a while so they leave me every woman i kill the more insane i get I'm so insane that I'm so quiet but believe darling I'm very deadly

My grip on the knife starts to loosen but i thought about seeing Lisa's body she looked to terrible she was starved beaten,battered so bad that she was soooooo unrecognizable like those other victims

I gripped harder on the knife and pushed the knife further into his neck

Y/n: why? Why me? Why lisa? Why momo? Huh? EXPLAIN JEON JUNGKOOK!!!!!!!

Jungkook: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA me? Explain HA don't make me laugh hun I'm not here for that "eXpLaInIng" shit

Y/n: jungkook I'm not jo-

Jungkook: shhhhhhhh

He said interrupting me

Jungkook: oh Y/n i can read you like a book you don't want to kill me really my opinion you want me don't you?

Killer in luv Where stories live. Discover now