Chapter XVI

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̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   Unassigned Teacher         ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

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The man whose name was yet to be known raised his inked around eyebrows and looked around himself "you know," he started with a sigh "Ilu don't come around here often." he pointed around before at the girl above him "which means you're stubborn" his eyes sharpened at her before he dropped his hands to his side "but persistent. C'mon" He motioned for her to get down and At'anau who was taken back and not expecting the amity needed a second to get into action but hurried once she saw the man walking off.

"You're one of those forest kids, aren't you?" he called out from over his shoulder and the girl had to lightly jog to keep up with him, excusing herself as she walked into some people's way.

"uh, yea" she almost walked into a fully loaded net. They turned the corner and reached his stationary, which hadn't the tidiest preparation she had seen. The girl almost regretted making it out here as their hunters didn't seem as serious as she thought he'd be when she saw him struggle untying a knot in the net without success.

"You have hunted before?" At'anau wasn't sure how to word her being a warrior of her clan to the obvious higher ranked one in front of her so decided to keep her answers short. "I guess."

"okay, try." And just like that the man threw a crossbow at the girl. The girl eyed the strange object in her hands before looking at the man who, in an unimpressed manner, pointed at the shallow pond on the terraces for her to search in.

At'anau was stood quite awkward as she didn't expect being demanded into action without even sharing their names but let her feet carry her to the pond either way. 

The water was clear but there weren't many rocks to search between as she was taught before. However, under the edge of the terrace in the dark shadows of the corner she noticed movement. she pulled back the arrow a looked for the trigger for a second before aiming what seemed like the way to hold the weapon. 

Eyeing what she felt like was a fish in the rippling water she released the arrow. The girl looked rather amazed at the weapon than the animal she had captured and how there was single to no recoil. 

The girl eyed the man who still wasn't impressed and she jumped down in the water on her tiptoes, her feet not used to the slippery marine floors. The girl grabbed the arrow that held onto a long fish, its silver colour shining in her eyes as sunlight reflected on its body. The girl gave it to the man who took it, pulled the arrow out and threw it in his basket filled with more of the same. 

"So I teach you what now? You already know." The man raised his shoulder before he dropped them. "no," the girl spoke lowly, shaking her head "now you teach me that." she pointed at the net by the man's feet.

"what, the fishnet?" the man asked incredulously and At'anau almost felt like she was asking the impossible


For the first time she heard the man let out a chest rumbling laugh "little girl, when you use that," He pointed at the bundle of rope on the floor "is when my mantis whistles,"  he pointed at the crossbow the girl held in her hands "you can keep that, its a gift from me, now you can go." 

"but," At'anau bit the insides of her cheeks, pondering if she should just leave or not. "I'd like to try?" her big eyes looked at the man rolled his "Little girl," he started, picking up the mess of knots on the floor before throwing it as her. 

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