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Baby by Justin Bieber plays lightly, it sounds like it is coming from another room. You wrinkle your nose. Your family has such terrible music taste, they mock and ridicule you for your own. Could this be another pathetic attempt to criticize you for being a Belieber, yet another attempt to criticize you for being who you are?

Baby by Justin Bieber begins to play louder and louder until it sounds like it's coming from your room. You groan. Those bullies! You start to grumble until you see Teenage Justin Bieber emerge from the Shadows.

"Hello. I am Teenage Justin Bieber." He says, standing up right. You notice he is wearing a pair of fake glasses. "I have finally found another faux glasses enthusiast! "

You gasp, tears glimmering in your orbs. "Teenage Justin Bieber?!?!?"

"I know your name. It's Y/N, isn't it?" He fidgets with his black framed glasses.

"He knows my name!!!!" You nearly squeal, twiddling with your messy hair, your orbs shimmering with joy.

"I need your help, Y/N..." You look up at him in shock. "It's why you prescription glasses folks have such bad options for glasses." Baby by Justin Bieber stops playing but then begins after a few seconds, it appears to be on loop.

"Y/N..." He sits on the floor cross legged, it appears he is going to begin to tell a story. "People who need glasses are... How to put this..." He gestures his hands around. "Descended from aliens."


"Yes. Aliens, with very large wrinkly brains. That's why the stereotype of glasses wearers being smart holds some water," he explains. "These aliens descended to earth thousands of years ago, they helped the humans with knowledge like Victoria's secret which has unfortunately been lost to time. The humans, in turn, gave them knowledge like how they built the Pryamids.

"These humans and aliens got on very well, there is no human that doesn't have any alien blood in their veins, there's just some who have more than others. These aliens had very poor eyesight, that's why glasses wearers exist," teenage Justin Bieber sighs. "The Canadian government doesn't like aliens."

"Why?" You shout, dismayed.

"Because Trudeau saw Megamind and hated Megamind. He was disgusted he was something akin to Megamind, " he fiddles with his glasses. A solemn look was painted on his usually happy face. "He saw glasses wearers were so close to these Aliens. He decided they must suffer.

"He infiltrated every single optician with the CFBI and stripped them of their supply of decent looking glasses." You look at him, a confused look in your orbs. "Glasses were a great symbol of pride for the aliens. They spent months, some even years, perfecting the design of the frame which was handmade. Like the descendants of the aliens, much like the aliens themselves take pride in their glasses. Trudeau saw an opportunity.

"While i do not wear prescription glasses, i think we wearers of faux glasses and the wearers of prescription glasses should rise. Too long have you lived in envy of our fashionable glasses." Teenage Justin Bieber sits back up, Baby by Justin Bieber abruptly stops playing. "Y/N, will you join me in a revolution again Justin Trudeau?"*)

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