Chapter 1

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This mission was supposed to be easy, get in, get out. Simple, easy, but so far it had been anything but easy. Kate had made you shimmy into the tiniest dress you've squeezed yourself into since college. It had the biggest damn slit you'd ever seen, "you'll have to go commando," Kate commented. You had stared at her, "you fuckin' with me right?" You questioned incredulously. She laughed, shook her head, and continued to move around your head as she did your hair.

You were going to kill her, you decided as she applied makeup to your face. You'd steal her wife too. That woman was too kind for the demon behind you. You were already done with this whole stupid mission. You didn't understand why you were being used as the bait but knew better than to question orders from the top.

You didn't even understand why Kate was there, considering you rarely worked with her. She hummed, happy to dress you up like some doll. She finished applying your lipstick, the deepest, and honestly prettiest, red you'd ever had on yourself. "The hell you'd get this color from?" You asked. She chuckled, and shrugged, "higher ups sent it," she replied before stepping back and gesturing for you to stand.

You huffed, standing and doing a little twirl to see the whole outfit. You looked damn good, you had to admit, but you felt like you were back in college ready to get laid by the most mediocre guy imaginable.

You shuddered, remembering the worst guy you'd "gone to bed with." You didn't even really have sex, he lasted maybe a minute and gave you the worst fucking rug burn imaginable.

You could barely sit for days, and while your friends teased you about how good he was, you didn't have the heart to say that it wasn't a good pain. You remembered waddling to the showers, and trying to keep your bottom half out of the water but giving up halfway through.

You'd even went to the doctor because after a week it wasn't any better. She gave you some weird cream that you had to apply daily. You felt so old when you were putting it on. You really wished you didn't have that memory, you shook your head to try and get back on track.

You walked over to Kate, who was standing in front of the bedroom door. She handed you your matching heels, which you slid on, and she opened the door to the main room. You'd all "rented" a house to get ready in and to have as a base camp of sorts.

You walked out, now at least 4 inches taller. Soap wolf whistled loudly, and you flipped him off. Gaz was staring, slack-jawed. Ghost sat there in what appeared disinterest, but you'd known him long enough to see that his eyes had widened. And Price looked ready to have a heart attack.

You stood there, one hip cocked and you crossed your arms. Price was surely about to faint. You were just barely shorter than him now, and Price had to thank whoever decided to put you in that outfit.

Kate laughed, "you good Price?" She questioned as she walked forward to sit in one of the farther chairs. His face flushed quickly before he coughed and began the mission debrief. You shuffled as he was talking, kicking your heels off, and listening intently as you stood there.

You felt a gust of wind, probably from one of the cracked windows, and felt your whole body covered in goosebumps. You also felt the dress decide to come up slightly, thinking nothing of it at first before panicking and pressing the fabric back to your skin. Ghost was moving before you could register that you may have just flashed them. "Cold?" He asked as he stood in front of you with a blanket hanging from his hand. You nodded, grabbing it from his and wrapping it around yourself. "Thank you, Ghost." You spoke as you curled into the warm fabric.

He nodded, standing there for a moment longer, seeming to weigh his options before he leaned down slightly, "didn't see nothin' so don't worry," he whispered before walking over to the cracked window and closing it. You swore if you lived after this you would get on your knees and build that man a temple and worship at it every day.

This Wasn't Supposed to be a Closet {John Price X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now