Chapter 2

18 1 1

Monique POV

"You" he said.

"Me? Really?"

"Yeah, but like I said I didn't know if you felt the same way and plus I didn't want our friendship to be ruined if it didn't work out. But yes I do have strong feelings for you."

"I wish you would have told me because I have feelings for you too. I kind of always knew you had feelings for me because of the way we would flirt with each other but I agree with you about not wanting our friendship to be ruined."

"I wish you would have told me" he said mocking me. I rolled my eyes at his silliness.

"So what do you want to do? Do you want to try being in a relationship or just staying best friends?"

" A part of me wants to wait a while to make sure it's the right time for us because I don't want to ever lose you and a part of me wants to be with you now. I'm torn between the two because I really want to be with you but I don't want us being in a relationship and not work out."

"Ray, why are you so worked up and worried about us not working out as a couple? If you really like me and love me the way you say you do and if I really like you and love you the way I say I do then we should be ready for whatever comes toward us. We should be able to stick with each other through thick and thin especially if we are still best friends through all of the stuff we've been through. If we did it before, we can do it again, if we try and want it bad enough."

"I know and you're right. I just don't want to ever lose you. You mean so much to me."

"I don't want to ever lose you either but you have to trust and believe that we will be able to stick together through the good and the bad. It's called perseverance. If we don't believe in us, who else will? So tell me now what you want."

He was quiet for a while I guess thinking about what I said and what he wanted to do. Then he finally spoke.

"I want to wait until we know it's the right time to be together. But can you wait for me?"

"How long do expect me wait? I don't think I can wait forever."

"Not too long. Just don't fall in love with another dude."

"Don't fall in love with another girl."

"I have an idea."


"How about us taking a small step and be best friends with benefits?"

"What's the benefits?"

"Flirting, touching, kissing" he said the kissing part very low but loud enough for me to hear him.

"We already do all of that except the kissing part. But I don't think I want to kiss you."

"Why?" he said, sounding and looking sad and disappointed.

"Because you be kissing all those nasty girls and everything. If I kiss you, it's like I'm kissing them."

"Okay" he said disappointed.

"Yeah. How about we leave the kissing and touching part out but I think I'll be okay with flirting just a little."

"No touching and kissing kind of defeats the point of having benefits as best friends. What about flirting and a little touching on the low? Deal?"

I thought about it for a moment and then I finally agreed with his idea.

"Okay. Deal. "

"Good. You ready to go home?"


"Let's roll."

We left the restaurant and Ray dropped me off at home and then he went home.
I got comfortable and changed into some shorts and a T-shirt to sleep in and laid down and got on my phone. A few minutes later I got a text from Rayan.

Rayan POV

I dropped Monique off at home and then I went home. I got comfortable and settled and then I texted Monique to let her know I made it home.

Text Convo

Ray- I'm home

Moni- K. Wyd?

Ray- Laying down. U?

Moni- Same.

Ray- K. I'm about to go to sleep. I'll ttyl. I love you.

Moni- K. Ttyl. I love you, too.

Ray- I love you more tho.

Moni- Lol. Whatever. Bye.

Ray- Awww. Don't be mad.

Moni- Good night Rayan.

Ray- Night baby girl.

Rayan POV

After I texted Monique, I was laying down, looking at the ceiling, thinking about Monique and our conversation at the restaurant. I really want to be with her but I want to wait until the right time and wait until we're a little older. I don't want nobody or nothing to break us up. Yes, I know that people and other things that are apart of life will probably try to break us up and we'll have problems no matter what part of our life we're at, but I want us to be more mature and stronger to handle it so that we can get through it together and show the world that we are inseparable and that we're forever. So I'm pushing myself to wait until we have our mind, heart, goals, etc together. If that's what it takes for us to have a successful, wonderful, everlasting life together then it's worth waiting for. But for now, I'ma live young, wild, and free because yolo (you only live once) on this earth and I'll only have this chance one time in my life to do whatever I want, with whoever I want, whenever I want. Especially if I plan on settling down with Monique. So I'ma go ahead and get it out of my system. I'm 18 and I'm about to graduate in 2 months and I got to do whatever I can do in these 2 months because after graduation I'm getting my life together and making money.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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