Chapter 10: Wrap up

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It's been a couple months of me and Lewis dating. We've had so much fun. swimming, him teaching me to play hockey (i failed), playing with squishy, eating lots of food, Lewis not looking at any other girl, cuddling, mucking around , going on adventures in our local area, fucking and a few pregnancy scares later we got through the school year.
Willow joined our group and dated Ethan. He wasn't lonely anymore his wish coming true.

We're all sitting around the fire outside talking and laughing.
Tomorrow is the boys big game, last game of the season, the finals. It's really important and for Lewis to get the scholarship he wants, he needs to win.

"we're going to bed now" Lewis pulls me up.
"Everyone off to bed we've got a big game tomorrow" Lewis tells everyone. We're all staying the night at his.
Ethan and willow go to the spare room, me and Lewis in his and Grace and Charlie in hers.

He's laying on my chest sleeping, his favourite place to sleep.
"i'm nervous" he looks up at me.
I rub his face with one hand the other giving his bare back scratches.
"why love" I rub my thumb on his face.
"for tomorrow, what if i stuff up, we loose, and then i don't get the scholarship" he begins rambling about the what ifs.
"baby, listen" i cut him off.
"your the captain for a reason, everyone loves you for a reason. Your the best player on that team, you've won every game so far and i don't doubt you'll win this one. I love you so much and i'm so proud of you my love"
He smiles up at me.
"thank you sunshine" I lean forward and kiss him as he puts his head back on my chest falling to sleep fairly quickly now as do i.


We're at the ice ring everyone waiting for the game to start.
"summer, come here, quick" I get up off the time out bench and walk over to the boys. I notice Lewis isn't with them.
"where is he"
"locker rooms, he needs you"
I rush to the locker rooms to find Lewis sitting against the wall, his knees to his chest, breathing heavily and tears coming out his eyes.
"Lewis my love" my eyes fill with tears seeing him like this. I rush over and pull him into my arms as he sobs into my neck his arms around my waist.

He calm down quickly which surprises me.
"i'm sorry sweetheart " he sits up and looks at me.
"why love"
"for making you deal with this"
"Lewis you have dealt with me for basically my whole life, you always comforted me when i needed and didn't say anything to anyone. Your my best friend and i love you and i want to be here for you. We're in this together"
He smiles at me.
I stand up and put my hand out.
"ready to smash this and get that scholarship?"
he grabs my hand and stands up.
"yes ma"
We walk back into the arena and the boys come over and pat him on the back. He puts his skates on and gives me a long deep kiss before stepping onto the ice.


We're neck in neck with 30 seconds left on the clock.
Everyone sits in silence as we watch anxiously.

Lewis gets the puck off the other team and gets ready to shoot.
He points to me "this one's for you my love" He winks.
He hits the puck and it glides effortlessly into the goal.
the crowd goes wild. Cheers, screams, some cries. Groans from the opposing team.
The team skates over to Lewis but he moves and chucks his skates off and runs and grabs me by the waist and kisses me again. The whole crowd saying 'awh'
I snake my arms around his neck as he depends the kiss. We pull away and rest our foreheads together.
"i'm so proud of you lion" i smile.
"couldn't of done it without you" he smiles back.

He stands up straight and turns around to be greeted by the scouts. "we want to offer you a full time scholarship" They shake hands.
"I'd love too sir."
The team so happy for him and there victory.
They run up and put him on there shoulders.
He puts his fingers to his lips and then points at me.

 He puts his fingers to his lips and then points at me

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this chapter is so cringe but it's cute at the same time 😭

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