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Valkyrie could remember one very poignant memory she had in regards to the motorcycle her mother had. 

For as long as she could remember from her childhood, she stood in stark contrast to her twin brother. He was a very good baby, one that barely fussed, barely fret, and was overall quiet and sweet.

Valkyrie, on the other hand, posed issue. 

It wouldn't be until she was five that she would have her autism diagnosed, so up until then nobody seemed to know what was going on with her. The noises that made Dee giggle and coo were ones that made Val scream as her little baby hands covered her ears. 

Even after she finally began speaking at three, she only really spoke one word with such bold efficiency. 


"Valkyrie, Don't you want to eat your carrots?"

"Valkyrie, don't you want to play with the other kids?"

It was a word that seemed to make sense for the little girl, even as nothing else seemed to make sense. This bright, loud, scary world seemed all too much for her. 

But there was one thing that broke through the cracks and consoled her.  That thing was the gentle rumbling Victoria's motorcycle's engine.

But how did her parent's figure this out? 

It was an especially cold night, about two hours after Glam and Victoria but the twins and their brand new baby brother to bed. Of course, Dee feel asleep quickly, snoring softly while holding his toy. Valkyrie, on the other hand, was wide awake, fussing a bit as she crawled out of her crib and made her way out of the nursey. 

She crept down the halls on her tiptoes, hearing the wood creak under her feet as the only noise she was able to hear at the moment. There was darkness all around her, and she couldn't make her way around the home she knew and loved. What was hinding in the shadows? Could it hurt her? She didn't know what to do..

So, in the only way she knew how, she tried to communicate.

"Ama.....mama....dada....?" Her little voice crept through the halls, to no answer. 

Soon, however, she began to hear the sounds of her parents talking in the far end of the house. Their voices were paired with another one, a very different one. She couldn't make sense of such a noice, other than the pure fact that it was lovely.

After a few more minutes of walking, she could see a thin beam of light streaming up the wall. Once at this light, it showed itself as a door, cracked just slightly ajar. With all her might, she slowly pushed the door open and peeked in, seeing the staircase that led down. 

Knowing what she must do to investigate such a noise, Valkyrie put on her big girl brave face and began her slow descent down. One step after the other, she held the handrail tight as she carefully went down. Finally, though, her efforts were rewarded and she was at the bottom of the stairs. 

Merely turning her head allowed the small child to feast her eyes on the most glorious thing she'd ever seen. Her parents were sitting next to a big....thing!

It was massive, especially compared to her. It appeared to purr like a cat, but seemed as massive as a lion. Whatever it was, it immediately peaked her interest. 

As she attempted to make her way towards it, her parents seemed to then notice their daughter was out of her crib and downstairs with them.

"Valkyrie! What are you doing? How did you get down here?!" Her father exclaimed, rushing towards her and scooping her up. 

"A-dada!" Valkyrie tried to speak, looking over her father's shoulder at that magnificent thing.

With all her might, she tried to wriggle from her father's grasp, reaching back at the purring animal with a fervor of a warrior in battle.

"Valkyrie, stop that! Its bedtime!" Her father gently scolded, trying to hold the squirming mass in his arms. 

"Glam?" Her mother chuckled.

"I Think a little someone wants to check out the bike." Victoria pointed up at Valkyrie. 

Glam then glanced back at the motorcycle, meeting his daughter's gaze  as the pieces were put together in his mind. Upon this realization, her father began to laugh a bit, walking back over to where he was sitting and passing Valkyrie to her mother.

Victoria sat the little girl on her lap, gently bouncing her as she watched Valkyrie stare at the bike.

"Yea, honey. This is a motorcycle. I rode this beauty when you and Dee where in my belly." 
"Against my better judgement."
"Oh, blow chunks."

As the adults spoke, Valkyrie scooted forward just enough for her to rest her tiny little hands on the bike. Its movement startled her, further proving inside her mind that it was alive. 

"Yea, I have it running cuz I gotta test something in it. Is that what brought you down here, hun?" 

Vicky's question was left unanswered, as the little girl rested her forehead against the bike and listened to its gentle hum. The soft vibrations made her hands feel weird. It wasn't a bad type of weird, but more of a type that was more of a funny feeling. 

The noise seemed to sweetly coax the small child towards sleep, paired with her parent's voices as they spoke about things that concerned them in the adult world. Soon, Valkyrie felt the motorcyle turn off, feeling her mother hold her tight as she got up and slowly walked back up the stairs into the darkness of their home. 

This time, however, Valkyrie could brave the scary darkness. This was because she knew at least her mother and father would be able to protect her from whatever was lurking. Let them lurk, for all she cared.

Then, Valkyrie felt herself be gently laid down upon her bed, feeling the soft blanket pulled over her body, and wrapping her in a warmth that only lulled her further to sleep. 

"Goodnight, dear.' She heard her mother's voice before feeling a soft kiss upon her head.

Then, the sounds of two pairs of footsteps exited the room, with the door gently closing behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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