35. Realization

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Yeonjun (Young Ver.)

"Hey Yeonjun!" Beomgyu called while waving his hand in the air. "Over here!"

"Coming!" I slightly raised my voice so they could hear me over the crowd of girls.

As I was excusing myself and making my way through, I noticed a familiar girl in the distance, but I couldn't get a good look due to everyone blocking her.

Once I escaped the crowd and joined with the rest of the group, I looked over in her direction again and finally got a clear view of her.

It is Nabin! I can't believe she's here too! Wait a second... if she's here at the orientation, that means we're going to the same high school! Yes!

When we suddenly locked eyes with each other, it made my heart skipped a beat and I greeted her with a big wave and wide smile. Instead of reciprocating back, she gave me a quick glare before eventually walking away with her friend.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion,
Why did she look at me like that? Did I do something wrong?

"Helloooooo earth to Yeonjun," Hueningkai snapped me out of my thoughts.


"Are you going to stand there all day or come with us?" Soobin asked.

"Yeah I'm coming." I said, looking back at Nabin one more time before joining with the rest of our group.

Third Person


"Shitttt I would've been mad too if someone made me drop my Enhypen tickets in a rain puddle! I would've thrown HANDS!" Joohee stated while aggressively holding her spoon.

"See! Now you know why I hated him!" Nabin exclaimed.

"But then again, are you sure it was Yeonjun that ran into you that day?" Joohee questioned.

"Of course! Like I might've not seen his face, but I vividly remembered reading his name tag on the bus after I picked it up from the ground." Nabin told her.

"But what if it wasn't him?" Joohee added.

"What do you mean?" Nabin raised her brow.

"You said you didn't see his face right?" Joohee asked and Nabin nodded.
"So what if it was someone else who ran into you, and they coincidentally had his name tag?"

"Girl, are you planning to become a detective or something? Because why would someone coincidentally have Yeonjun's name tag?"

"I mean you never know, they could've switched blazers by accident." Joohee shrugged.

"But what are the odds of that," Nabin asked.

"Very unlikely..."


"Well... have you told Yeonjun the reason why you hated him yet?" Joohee asked.

"Nope, I'll tell him whenever he asks me."

"Fair enough."

After finishing lunch and walking back to class, they saw the new girl run into Jungho before trying to apologize to him.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I didn't see—" She was immediately cut off mid-sentence when he suddenly pushed her to the ground.

"Watch where you're going bitch." He glared before leaving her on the floor and walking away.

"Wow what a fucking jerk!" Joohee exclaimed.
"He didn't have to push her like that! Right Nabin?!"

"Watch where you're going bitch." Nabin replayed Jungho's words in her head, not hearing what Joohee said. *Wait a minute... why does that sound SO FAMILIAR?*


"Pleasure doing business with you." Jaehwa offered her hand for a handshake.

"Likewise," Nabin accepted her handshake before the both of them parted ways.

On the way to the bus stop, Nabin took a quick look at her tickets before running into a male student from Arcadia, which caused her to drop her tickets into a rain puddle formed from a light shower that morning.

"Watch where you're going bitch."


His voice echoed throughout Nabin's head. Realizing the difference between Jungho and Yeonjun's voice from that day, Nabin discovered that she made a huge mistake.

*No way... This whole time it was Jungho that made me dropped my tickets and not Yeonjun?!! That's why he asked me whether I remembered him on his first day here!*

"It all makes sense now..." She murmured.

"Huh? Did you say something?" Joohee asked.

Nabin shook her head before finally replying to Joohee's comment earlier, "Ugh for real! What a jerk!"

"Come on," Joohee said.
"Let's go help h—"

"Are you okay?" They saw Taehyun standing in front of the new girl with his hand held out.

"Y-Yeah I'm okay..." She spoke before accepting his hand. He helped her get back on her feet.

"Never mind, I think Taehyun got this." Joohee commented.

"Yeah we should just head back to class." Nabin said and Joohee nodded in agreement.

After they walked away, Taehyun read the girl's nametag, "So are you new here, Eunjae?"

"Yeah I am, how'd you know?" She asked.

"I haven't seen your face around here before, so I figured you were new." He responded.

"Ahhh, makes sense." She said before reading his nametag, "Well thank you for helping me Taehyun, it was nice meeting you."

"Of course, it was nice meeting you too Eunjae." He smiled.


After bidding goodbye and parting ways with Soobin and Hueningkai, Yeonjun arrived at the school's gate to meet up with Nabin. Since he got there a bit earlier than her, he decided to kill time by going through his social medias.

He instantly hit the like button when he got to Nabin's new post on Instagram and smiled from ear to ear.

"My girlfriend is so pretty." He commented while caressing her cheek through the screen.

"Heyyy sorry I'm late!" Nabin panted, making Yeonjun quickly turn off his phone. Thankfully Nabin didn't noticed, or else she would've teased him about it.

"The teacher held me back for a little to talk about my grades," She explained.
"I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long."

"Nah you didn't, I just got here too." Yeonjun smiled as he casually took her backpack and carried it for her.

"That's good." She sighed in relief before they began making their way to the bus stop.

"So what did you wanted to talk about?" Yeonjun asked. "It seemed important."

"It is," She stated.
"I'll tell you once we get to Lucky Moon."
(The bubble tea cafe that Joohee and Beomgyu works at)

"Okay." He replied.

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