31 - The Plan

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Indicators for this chapter:

Y/N: Your name
Y/A/N: Your account mane

Hope you enjoy!

No one's POV:

The halls were silent, except for the sound of someone running and breathing heavily.

It was Y/N who was running down the hall.
After their talk with Enchantress, they made sure to act and leave as calmly as they could, to make the lady in red believe that there was nothing wrong with the discussion they had just had. But the moment Y/N got into the next hallway, they immediately began sprinting down the hall, now allowing panic and fear to flow into their body.

Y/N was honestly horrified from what they heard from Enchantress, and didn't want to believe what they heard. The women that would almost never force children under the age of thirteen to do anything they didn't want to do, was going to make Custard, who didn't even need to be kidnapped in the first place in Y/N's opinion, a member of Cookies of Darkness. The only reason why Crepe and Mushroom were in the C.O.D was because Mushroom was born into it, and from what Y/N learned about Crepe's past, Enchantress had found them abandoned in the castle in the sky. The little pink haired child had only agreed to join because just like Y/N, they had no one, and nowhere else to go to. And at that point, for both Crepe and Y/N, it was a choice of either being left in an empty home, all alone with no form of comfort, or to join Enchantress, and hope that at least one or two of the other members accepted them.

As these thoughts filled Y/N's head, they began to run faster, soon getting to their room and slammed their door open, slamming it back shut again, pulling out their phone and went to them and Licorice's messages, the conversation going;


EmoMan: What? Why what's going on?!


EmoMan: Ok, I'll be over soon! Just calm down in the meantime ok?


The conversation ended, Licorice leaving Y/N's last message on read, which meant he was coming with the little two. After that, Y/N whipped around and grabbed their bag, emptying it first and then going to fill it up with necessary needs. Clothes, bathroom products, a map and compass, and a few more items. Just as Y/N finished packing, they heard footsteps and talking going on outside of their door, snapping their head around as they saw the door open. When it did, they saw their partner, along with two kids, all looking worried when they looked to Y/N. "Y/N! What's wrong!?" Crepe asked first, running over to their sibling. Mushroom followed, but walked over instead, fiddling with the end of their sleeves, not saying much. Licorice shut the door and looked to his partner, taking a moment before asking, "What did she say was going to happen?" "It's worse than what I thought, she's gonna make the kid join the fucking C.O.D if his friends deny the ransom!!" Y/N bursted out, tossing their bag onto their bed and went to their closet, making sure they didn't leave anything out. Licorice raised his hand to his mouth, letting out a shaky sigh, mumbling, "I should've known..!"

It soon also sank into Crepe's head what was happening as well, and so the child looked to Y/N, asking rhetorically, "Enchantress is gonna make Custard join C.O.D..?" Y/N looked to Crepe, knowing the question was rhetorical, but still answered Crepe with, "Yes.. I-I called you three down here because we need to get him out of here, I'm not gonna stand by and watch Enchantress do that to anyone, kid or adult." "How would we even get the kid out though? Because if we do that then we'll most likely have to-" Licorice started to say, but then remembered the bag Y/N tossed onto the bed minutes before, looking at it and back at Y/N. Y/N looked back to Licorice as well, not having to say anything to confirm what they were going to do. "No." Licorice started. "No, no no no! Where would the four of us even go!! We have no other place to turn to Y/N!!" "Gingerbraves kingdom." Y/N stated, looking Licorice dead in the eyes. "If we get to them first, ebfore Enchantress does, and tell them that we can help bring Custard back to them, they're going to ask what we want in return," Y/N continued, turning around on their heel and going back to the closets, continuing with, "Because anyone knows that in this situation, that four members of a highly dangerous group, that are deliberately turning their backs on their boss and putting their entire lives in danger, are going to want something in return, and that it isn't going to be cheap."

Licorice took a moment to think, then responded with, "And what would we tell them we want, in order of the safe return of their friend?" "Simple. Complete, and total protection from Enchantress and the rest of the C.O.D." Y/N answered, looking over their shoulder and back to Licorice. The room became silent, Licorice not knowing what else to say in the conversation/argument, and Crepe and Mushroom just standing there listening to both adults do so. A few minutes passed, when Mushroom breaks the silent, saying, "Whaat about Unclle Shwarz and Uncle Baatcat? Their gonnaa want too come with uss..!" The three people look to Mushroom, and then to one another, realizing the white haired child had a point. Y/N hadn't taken into consideration of Schwarzwälder and Batcat. They had become just as much family to Y/N in the last few weeks they had gotten to know them, as they were to Licorice and Mushroom. Crepe, not so much, but they close enough on the scale.

Y/N looked to Mushroom, and very softly told them, "You're right. They are going to want to come as well. But I don't know if all four of us, including Custard, will even be able to get out on our own." Licorice just stared between the two of them, feeling himself being torn up on the inside. It was going to be harder, a whole lot harder, to get out of the C.O.D than it was to get in. And if all five of them did manage to get out, who was going to come back to get Schwarzwälder and Batcat? They wouldn't be able to get out on their own, not if Licorice and the others got out. Enchantress would put the whole castle on lockdown, and be watching everyone, specifically them two because she knew that the three men saw each other as brothers, and would probably use them to make Licorice come back. In turn making Y/N and Mushroom come back, along with Crepe afterwards.

Licorice's attention came back when he heard his child then say, "What's gonnaa happen theen?" Mushroom's tone was slightly broken, they wanted to cry, they really did want to, Mushroom didn't want to leave their uncles behind because they knew something bad would happen if they didn't come, but they didn't want to think about what could happen if they did run. Y/N's eyes flickered to the ground and then back to the small child, biting the inside of their cheek then said, "I don't know. We will talk to them though and explain what's going on, maybe they'll have some ideas to suggest, alright?" They then hold out their arms, offering a hug to Mushroom, who took it right away, hugging Y/N tightly. Y/N hugged back, soothing the child in their arms. Not even five seconds later, Crepe had run over and went to hug Y/N's side, burying their face into Y/N's clothes. Y/N took their right arm and hugged Crepe as well, now having both kids hold onto Y/N for dear life. When Y/N went to look at Licorice, they saw he was coming over as well, going to Y/N's behind and hugging the back of them. Y/N lowered their head slightly, the weight of fear weighing down on them more, the fear of not being able to get out of this now, hated place they once called home, the fear of not being able to get out with their family, the fear of what would happen if they got caught leaving, and the fear of being torn away from Licorice and rest of their family as a possible punishment for trying to leaving.

As these feared thoughts sank deeper into their mind, Licorice looked to his partner and saw that their love was having horrible thoughts. He hated this new situation as much as they did, neither of them wanted to be stuck here anymore if the lady in red was going to be doing such a thing to a child.

Licorice soon lifted his head slightly, and whispered into Y/N's ear, "I'm not going anywhere without you. When we make it out, we'll make our lives better wherever we go than here, I promise you."

-Authors note-
Y'all we're almost there, soon I'll stop making them all suffer lmmfao
Otherwise, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, and have a great day/night!

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