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Y/n woke up in an unfamiliar room she first couldn't open her eyes because of the lights then she found her hands bandaged and saw huening Kai sitting next to her

"N-ning?"she called

"Y/n!? Your awake!? W-wait let me call the doctor!"he said and went to call the doctor

(The doctor arrives)

"Hmmm how are you feeling Miss min?"asked the doc

"B-better but i have a severe headache and these cuts are burning"she said

"Yes... because the cuts were too deep but don't worry you'll be fine"he said

"Make sure she eats her meds properly"

"I'll take care of that doctor"said Kai

(Then the doc went)

"So ...why did you do this?"he asked

(Y/n didn't say anything and just looked down)

"I'm taking to you y/n"he said

(Then y/n started to cry)

"H-hey hey what happened shh shh it's ok..."he said and hugged her and she was still crying

"I-i'm tired Ning tired of everyone and everything!"she said and cried

(Then she told everything that happened)

"That jerk you don't deserve him y/n! You deserve a guy like me!"he said

"H-huh?!"she said

"I-i mean he should be like me taking care of you he's doesn't even realise you like him and after a month school will end anyways"he said

(Then Kai stayed with y/n in the hospital whole night and y/n was still thinking about him...)

(Her parents came to the hospital and Kai told them everything)

"M-my baby...she suffered this much we didn't understand her honey"said her mum and cried

"It's ok honey it was all our fault she suffered like this but there is one way we can make her feel better"said her dad

"W-what is it?"asked her mum

"We'll make her forget that heeseung guy..by giving her amnesia.."said her dad

"A-are you sure?"she asked

"Yes i am sure "he said

(Then her parents told this to kai )

"B-but uncle..."he said

"Listen kai there is no other way i already spoke to your dad you have to be her boyfriend she never remembers the past anyways and

I know you like my daughter very much"Said Mr.Min

"I-i i know but what about the sunghoon guy your gonna make her marry.."asked Kai

"Well he already has a girlfriend and he cancelled the offer and we couldn't force him"he said

"Ok uncle as you say..."said Kai

(Then the doctors gave anesthesia to y/n and she was in a deep sleep and they gave her the Amnesia injection)

(After 4 hours)

(Y/n opened her eyes and saw a guy sitting next to her)

"U-uh w-who are you mister?..."she asked

"Y-y/n it's me y-your boyfriend h-huening Kai! You had an accident few hours ago and you have forgotten me i guess.."he said

"O-oh s-so your my b-boyfriend..?"she asked

"Y-yeah and they are your parents.."he said and pointed to  Mr. And Mrs.Min

"Mom?...dad...?"she called

"Omg sweetheart"said her mum and hugged her

"I'm glad your ok i thought I'll lose you"she said

"I-i'm ok mom d-don't worry..."she said

(Then they took y/n to the house as she was discharged from the hospital then rosie came to visit her and her mom told rosie everything and said it's the only way)

(Y/n was cuddling huening Kai and she asked him)

"Huening...how did we meet?..."she asked

"W-well w-we both were childhood friends and in middle school i said i liked you and you accepted me.."he said

"Ohh so we've known eachother that long daebak..."she said and cuddled him closer to her

"Promise you'll not leave me? And you'll love me till the end?!"she said and shot her pinky finger up

"I-i promise"he said and connected his pinky finger with hers

"Oh remember we have school tomorrow and we go to different schools so..i gotta go see ya y/nieee byee"he said and kissed her and went

"Bye bye!!!"she said and laid on her bed smiling to herself

"I'm soo lucky to have Kai as my boyfriend but... something doesn't feel right i-i feel like i -i'm forgetting something or someone...

Who's the heeseung guy? Why does his name runs on my mind and why?..."she said to herself

Will she gain her memories back too soon?  

Tbc ik it's short lol but the next part will be long i guess byee

Burnt Ashes | Lee Heeseung ffWhere stories live. Discover now