no name for this one sorry

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The first thing Rain noticed when he woke up was the cold. Sure, the cargo ship had always been a bit chilly, but this was a different cold. A biting, stinging cold that froze his very soul. He went to rub his arms, hoping to restore some warmth, only to find that his wrists were tethered to the bed he was in. Not only that, his shirt was missing, replaced with crisp white bandages that were horribly itchy.

"Oh, you're awake!" A voice from in front of him said.

Rain looked up to be met with the sight of a blue-haired woman standing in front of him. She looked a few years his senior, no older than 25.

"I- Who- Where am I? What happened? I mean I know I crashed, I think but I- How did I get here?" The questions seemed to just spill out.

"Woah, slow down. One question at a time." The woman scolded.

"Sorry, I'm just... confused."

"Understandable, but try to take it slow. You hit your head pretty hard, I don't want you to hemorrhage."    

"I- Okay. Sorry. How did I get here?"

"General Patrick and his bandit friend found your ship and brought you to me."

"Sorry, who?"

"You'll meet them soon enough, I'm sure. Patrick has a lot of questions for you."

Perplexed, Rain pushed on.

"Alright? And where am I? Where is here?"    

"You're on a small ice planet in sector G-19. This is where the Frostbourne operates from. You have heard of us, haven't you?"

Yes, he had. Of course he had, who hadn't?

"The last bastion of mankind." He quoted. He'd read that on some propaganda hologram years ago, back when he lived on his own planet.

"That's us." The woman smiled.

"This is... Wow. This is crazy. I grew up hearing stories about you guys. I used to want to be a soldier when I was little."

"Well, you just might get what you asked for. We're desperate for new recruits and you're, well, you're here."

Rain was a little taken aback at that. Sure, being a Frostbourne soldier was an incredibly important (and well paying) job, but he wasn't fit to be a soldier. He didn't play nice with others, and he hated taking orders. That was part of the reason he became a cargo commander, so he'd be the one bossing people around.

The woman snapped him out of his thoughts, literally, snapping her fingers in front of his face.

"Hello?? Ground control to... whatever your name is. What is your name? I never asked."

"What kind of doctor are you?" Rain teased. "It's Rain. And you are?"

"Classified. You may call me Lady, or Doctor, until I can assess you and determine whether or not you can be trusted."

"Hey, you're the ones who tied me up, ma'am. Maybe I'm the one that can't trust you."

"Seeing as we're the ones who saved you, I'd say you have no choice." The doctor said as she turned to leave. "The General will be in to see you shortly, I suggest you be on your best behavior for him, he's temperamental."

And then she was gone, leaving Rain just as confused as before.

Shortly thereafter, the door swung open to reveal a very tall, very angry looking man. He looked to be about 30, with dark blue eyes and reddish-brown hair. He stared Rain down, and Rain could feel the room get colder around him. So this was General Patrick, then. He was intimidating, Rain could give him that, although perhaps he only seemed that way due to what looked like a large burn scar taking up almost half his face.

"So, Rain, care to tell me what brought you here?"

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