Chapter 1

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Amee started the day normal, helping her Science Teacher with moving some chemicals. She'd been talking about her grades with Mrs. Smidt about her grades and accidentaly dropped the chemical and ut broke sending a puff of colorful liquid up. Amee sniffed up the chemical and began couphing and Schmidt rushed over to clean it up coughing as she managed to get it into the trash. "Sorry about that, you should be more careful." Schmidt sighed and Amee nodded her mind swimming as the breakfast bell rung. "No, I'm sorry. I should get to breakfast." Amee nervously said and walked out, thinking about what was breakfast.

Then her eyes flashed as she saw a vision, a vision of her sitting in the cafeteria eating a breakfast sandwich. That's when she flashed back to reality, noticing her jeans were a bit tighter. She gently rubbed her ass, it seemed a few inches bigger as she walked out of the lab. She was confused about what just happened and she walked towards the elevator and was about to press the button but then her eyes flashed once again. She got a vision of her ex, Brad, flirting with another one of his side women inthe elevator.

Amee sighed as she flashed back to normal, noticing her hips were widening. She clutched her hips to hide them as her hips kept widening and her ass began to bloat to fill out. She walked toward the stairs, as she noticed a playful wobble begin to be added to her asses ever growing mass. She reached the door to the stairs as the elevator opened and she heard Brad exit with the girl. She hoped she wasn't noticed but it was as if she heard the girl's thoughts in a whisper. 'Wide load dead ahead! Geez is that Brad's ex..God she's huge.' The woman whispered and her ass didn't like that. It gurgled and swelled a bit faster making Brad stare.

Amee hurried through the door, her hips clashing with it as her ass reached the size of huge pumpkins. She pushed her massive butt against the door to close it and keep it shut. She felt up her bulbous ass and patted it gently thinking of what to do, "Can I make it two floors. This is a wideload." Amee said and her eyes flashed. "Noooo!" She groaned out as she got a vision of her getting stuck on the way out of the stairs. Her fat ass just wouldn't budge and she was stuck with a scared look on her face. She flashed back to normal as her pant's buttons popped off and her ass was the size of giant watermelons and growing. Amee rushed down the stairs, racing her ass as it gurgled and got bigger. She reached the first floor and bearly fell foward, her fat ass bouncing buoyantly and she pushed open the stairwell door. Her ass getting stuck in the door and shaking unstably as it grew bigger.

The whole stairwell began to shake as her ass reached the size of beach balls. She shook her hips, a scarred look on her face. Her body was hot as she placed her hands on her ass to push herself foward. It gurgled and shook as the wall began to bust, her ass and thighs growing to balloon over the door. That's when she heard footsteps on the stairs...she gulped as her jeans began to strain. She tried to move but it only caused another assquake in the stairwell. That's when she felt a hand touch one of her giant asscheeks. She felt gripping and rubbing, however was doing this was gaving a great time thats when she heard a female voice.

"Geez. You're a big one...I used to be the biggest on campus." She said in completely amazement. This had to be, Ariel, a jamaican american girl in her grade who always flaunted her bloated fake 50 inch ass. Ariel kept feeling her up and turned around, pressing her huge ass against Amee's bigger bloated one. Both the fat asses fought for dominance, jiggling and bouncing crazily. Amee flew foward, busting the door off its hinge, Ariel nearly drooling in happiness. "Thank you so much, Ariel! How can I repay you?" She asked, blushing and Ariel smirked. "You're like a science nerd, right? You can help me study, Mrs. Smidt will 'blow up if I fail another test'." Ariel said, mimicking the thick-thighed french-accented teacher.

"Sure of course!" Amee smiled lunging to shake her hand, Ariel eyes focused on her huge ass. Amee's eyes flashed as she met Ariel's hand seeing another vision, her one of her falling right on Ariel's face massivevass first and growing with beyond reasonable speed. She flashed back as her jeans were now skin tight, her thighs the size of jackfruits, her hips stretched atleast 3-4 feet, and her ass gurgled and began to grow. Amee turned and rusged to the cafeteria, swearing she felt Ariel's hand spank hergiant ass on the way out. She chalked it up to the crazt situation but she wanted to eat now. She entered the cafeteria, half the room noticing her fat ass. Her ass had to be the size of two very stuffed very large duffel bags.

Amee ran up to the counter, her ass wobbling and shaking the entrance of the cafeteria. She felt herself drawing glances as she got up to the big bulky lunch lady's counter, completely sorrounded by students. One of which about to take the last huge supple breakfast sandwich she so bumped the students away with her huge ass, making half the students bounce away and the rest back away in fear. She got the breakfast sandwich and she feltbreally hungry so she stacked four huge flapjacks on her plate aswell, and a extra large cup of orange juice(even though she normal went for the small). She walked towardthe dining tables, her ass gurgling with excitement as she seemingly got hungry by the minute. She reach an emoty table and sat down, her fat ass weighing down the bench as it nearly took up the whole thing.

She felt bloated and starving all at the same time so she began to chow down, munching down some of her huge pancakes. As she finished the first pancake, she felt her thighs start tothicken but she didnt care. She kept eating and finished another one, her ass gurgling and growing faster nearly busting her pants andshe picked up her food. Eating as she walked towards the door, her ass threatening to bust throgh her pants at ny second. She couldnt get much bigger but she couldnt stoo eating, thats when she felt her giant whopping ass get stuck in the double doors and embarassment lit up on her face. Everyone starred, some laughing and some watching in lust. That's when she heard the lunch lady sigh and walk up to push her huge ass. She kept eating, stuffing her face out of embarrassment, wanting to disappear.

"Damn, ounk! Oink!" She heard someone yell, "you mean mooo!". The lunch lady began to push her huge ass as her mouth was full of food. "She's gonna blow!" She heard and her ass gurgled and pulled the lunch lady's arm in. Amee wasnt sure what was happening as she finushed her food, her ass was reaching massive sizes, the lunch lady was getting sucked into her assas she heard screams of terror. Her ass busted her pants and her panties werent much help at this point, full of rips as it battled her massive ass. Her ass got big enough to break through the double doors wushing every one could just forget her huge rear. That's when everyone stopped laughing as if nothing happened, people began to stare at her and her ass, until shre reached her room. She got into her room and plopped her huge ass on the bed as it gurgled and grew. She hid her face in fear as her ass pressed against the walls.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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