147 7 0


Kit- 18
Jason- 15

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

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Chapter 1

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Kits lungs burn as they thrash in the water, unable to tell which way is up or down. They feel themself weakening as bright green invades their vision and if they weren't currently drowning they'd probably be more worried about that. The next thing they know, arms wrap around them and they're being pulled up and up until finally they breach the surface. They gasp and cough as the arms pull them from the weird green water. They heave a few deep breaths as the arms continue to hold them. They turn to the person holding them in confusion. A boy no older than sixteen, a streak of white in his black hair and eyes glowing the same green as the water, stares back. That's when they notice the ninjas surrounding them, staring at them with wide eyes. A man who seems like their leader steps forward.

"What are you?"

Kit blinks back in confusion. What kind of question is that?

"You come from the pit, yet you never entered it. What are you?"

And Kit, well, Kit doesn't know. They were drowning in an ocean last time they checked, not a green pit.

"I don't know," they breathe, voice weak.

"Hmm. You will be trained with the boy," and with that he leaves.

'The boy's arms tighten around them and they turn to him.

"Are you ok?"

His brows furrow in confusion, at least Kit thinks it's confusion, before he nods. Kit sighs. They're not sure what's going on, but whatever happens they're protecting this kid.


The next few months are spent training, both Jason and Kit often exhausted by the time they're sent to their room, but they still talk into the night.

"The pit," Jason whispers to them one night. "It makes me so angry, except when I'm with you. It goes quiet when you're with me. Do you think it's because we left the pit together?"

"Probably," Kit replies, eyes drooping.

"Talia, she's trying to convince me to kill a kid."

Kits eyes fly open.


"When... when you're not there and the pit is, I almost want to. Then you're back and I can't believe I'd even consider it! Sure he replaced me, but I'm not going to kill him for it! He's a kid!"

"It'll be ok, we just need to stick together."

"We can't let Talia or Ras know. They'd separate us if they knew you were keeping me rational."

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