Chapter 14 - Gift

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Neteyam sat in his room. In his hands he held beads and thread. He fumbled as he threaded the string through the beads and started to create a pattern.

He focused solely on what he was doing, no distractions at all. Lo'ak was out with Tsireya and Kiri was with Rotxo and Tuk.

However he did not account for his parents being a distraction. Jake loomed behind him, trying to be as discreet as he could as he watched his son with curiosity. He could also feel Neytiri's eyes watching over his father and himself as she was cutting some fish for that night's dinner.

"Ma Jake will you leave your son alone. He is clearly busy." Jakes head snapped round to meet Neytiri's gaze. He flashed her an apologetic and frightened smile as he walked backwards before turning around completely and speed walking out of their hut. Neteyam sighed as his father left and he returned to fiddling with the beads.

"What is wrong my hi'i syulang?" "Nothing is wrong Mama. I'm just not as good at threading as you are and it makes me frustrated is all." Neytiri smiled sweetly at her son before moving to sit by him. Her hands cup her son's making him look up to meet her eyes. "You need to stop your hands from shaking first syulang, take a deep breath and calm yourself."

Neteyam followed his mother's words, breathing in deeply before letting it go. "Now hand me the beads." Once again he followed her instructions, handing the beads over to her.

She threaded them a lot faster and easier than neteyam did. She stuck to the pattern that her son had started to make. "So Neteyam, who are you planning on giving this to?" Neteyam's cheeks became heated within seconds. "It's no one... I mean um nobody..." His mother gave him a look. "Fine. It's Aonung."
"Aonung? Why would you give Aonung... Oh... OH! Neteyam why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"Sorry mama."
"No, do not apologise syulang."
"Okay, sorry mama."
"Neteyam." Her voice was stern. He give her a firm nod before smiling as she returned to crafting the necklace.


Neteyam sped down the beech, walking as fast as he could towards the reef, a small weaved purse in his hand. Upon arrival he immediately saw Aonung's back facing him. The boy was looking out at the ocean, legs stretched out and arms keeping him up.

Neteyam inched closer to him as quietly as he could. He squatted down behind him, the other boy somehow not noticing, and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. This cause Aonung to whip his head around seemingly snapped out of his previous dazed state.

"Hey." Neteyam whispered as there faces were mere inches apart. "Hi." Aonung's face relaxed as the corners of his mouth raised into a slight smile. The boy lent in closer until their lips met, only to be parted a second later. Neteyam pouted slightly at the little contact between them.

Aonung's eyes traveled down to Neteyam's hands, more specifically what they held. "Watcha got there, Teyam?"
"Some may call it a gift." Aonung's eyes lit up as he looked at the boy in front of him. "For me?"
"Mhm." Neteyam nodded his head quickly as his smile grew very wide.

He brought the present up, holding it out to Aonung as he looked into his eyes. Aonung took the small parcel from the boy's hands as delicately as possible. He gently tugged at the twine bow, untying it slowly. He untapped the woven fabric to reveal a beautifully hand-crafted beaded necklace.

"It's beautiful Teyam. Thank you."
"You should probably thank my mama too, she helped me make it. It's quite a simple Omaticaya design but I'm not the best at making them and got quite frustrated with it."
"Still, thank you. Now help me out it on."

Neteyam moved himself to Aonung's back to tie the necklace around his neck. He then planted a small peck on the back of Aonung's neck just above where the necklace sat before turning back to face him.

Aonung looked at him in the eyes smiling widely before leaning in. Their lips met, this time the kiss was longer and sweeter. Aonung's hand pressed onto the back of Neteyam's neck as he pulled him in closer.


Yo! Kinda getting back to regular updating schedule! I can't wait to write and publish the rest of this for everyone to read. Thank you again for your patience.

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