Chapter 1

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Bellevue Hospital

New York City, New York

March 1960

"Nurse Cannava!"

The shrill call of Charge Nurse Irma Hunt grates on your nerves like nails on a chalkboard, but you don't dare show it on your face. Instead, you take a deep breath through your nose and hurry over to the severe woman.

"Yes, Nurse Hunt?" you say as evenly as possible. You've only been an official Registered Nurse for a few months and cannot afford to make a wrong step with this drill sergeant of a woman. You'd rather be extra deferential and placating than looking for a new job, no matter how much you want to run in the opposite direction any time she calls your name.

She looks at you critically, peering down over her glasses with her sharp stare. "Nurse Calhoun was pulled away to surgery before she was able to finish her other duties. I need you to change the sheets for our VIP patient while he's upstairs for x-rays. I need you to be quick. In and out, no funny business, you understand me?"

"Of course, Nurse Hunt," you nod frantically. It's the middle of the night, so it is strange for the patient to be doing tests at this hour. Though if they are trying to keep his identity under wraps, it makes sense that they would choose an hour where less people were involved.

"And absolutely no telling anyone about our patient. We must uphold the strictest confidentiality, now more than ever," she adds with a glare.

The threat is clear:

Don't mess this up.

"I understand." Curiosity of who it could be itches at the edge of your mind, wondering about this VIP that has the woman in more of a harsh mood than usual.

Maybe it's Ricky Nelson or Mario Lanza or Marlon Brando, your mind titters, but it's probably just some stuffy politician. You figure it's better to have low expectations and be pleasantly surprised than to have high ones and be disappointed.

Ever the realist.

Regardless of who might be, you don't have time for silly schoolgirl fantasies. There is a job to do, and you best be getting to it before getting into trouble.

You scurry away to gather fresh linens, then make your way back to one of the few private rooms on the floor. Most patients are relegated to the open wards here in Manhattan's biggest hospital, but there are special cases, such as this, it seems, where a more private setting is needed.

There's a large man at the door, keeping watch, and he looks you up and down with narrowed eyes longer than you'd like, sending a chill into your gut. But this is nothing new. You hold your ground, straightening your spine and lifting your chin.

"Nurse Hunt asked me to change the sheets," you say, clipped. He smiles, as if in on a joke you're not privy to, then opens the door.

At 20, you are the youngest nurse on the ward. People, especially men, tend to underestimate you, but you have something to prove and no time for nonsense. Graduating high school early, you were thrilled to be accepted to Bellevue School of Nursing, one of the best programs in the country. The four-year experience had been grueling, but since you had to live in the dormitory, it got you out of the house and away from your damned father and his cronies.

In the process, you discovered that helping people truly is your calling. So, while young, you are good at your job and take it seriously.

This is why you hurry in and start stripping the bed as quickly as possible. As curious as you are as to who this mysterious man might be, getting the job done is much more important than snooping around the room.

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