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Hey! So, not everything in this fan fiction will be 100% correct/true to the books, the majority will be, obviously but I'm gonna change a few things to help with the plot so please keep the 'THIS IS WRONG!!!' comments to yourself please<3 I wanted to add the time-turner in here so I could use my favourite songs and things from modern days lol, I'm the worst!!:') also; whenever I use the time turner I switch to POV because I feel it'd be better to get inside of the characters head instead. (This first chapter is a bit all over the place so I'm sorry for that lol)
I really hope you enjoy reading this story.


The annoyance Wendy felt whilst walking through Kings Cross station was like no other, the amount of times she sarcastically said and thought 'no, yeah, you're sure welcome,' whenever rude people didn't thank her for opening doors for them and moved out of their way although she didn't have to, put her in an awful mood before she had even got close to platform 9 3/4.

She got to platform 9 and sighed in relief, all this anger made her wanna bang her head against a wall, but running through one to get the platform was good enough. The magic and nostalgia hit her so hard she could have cried, she wished she was a first year again, seeing this all for the first time, back when her father was still around and her best friend was still her best friend.

Draco Malfoy hadn't spoken to Wendy since the day she was placed into Gryfindor house. No one was expecting it, both of her parents were Slytherins, her dad, with Draco's, was a Death Eater. She missed him every year. All she wanted to do was cuddle up to him like she did as a kid. He cared more about he who must not be named than he did her though. She missed Draco the same.
She boarded on the Hogwarts Express only minutes before it left, which made finding a decent seat impossible.

Thinking about her father and Draco made Wendy want to cry, she was listening to a mixtape she'd made. Before the summer Wendy had stolen something from her mothers work desk, it was a time turner that she wasn't supposed to have. Wendy's mother, Jill, worked at the Ministry of Magic, she'd be in a lot of trouble if they found out that she had it. Her mother had many in her office, Jillian could never tell Wendy much about her job, all Wendy knew now was that it had something to do with time turners.

Wendy knew going back to the past wasn't a good idea, so she decided to go to 2023, it was a odd year, she'd admit, but it just seemed like the right year to go to. She wanted to know what life was like when she was older. She left her turner sat next to a hair dryer for a few hours, so it'd spin itself, the amount of times she'd have to spin that thing to get anywhere near 2020 would hurt her wrist.
After 3 hours, she put it on, spun it another 5 times, closed her eyes and thought of a place.

London, 2024
I look at the papers in the stand, I'm a year late, but that's absolutely fine! My goal is simple - find music of this time and maybe something else. I look for a girl my age, there are loads, they're dressed rather strangely, they're not wearing much but they look lovely!
'Excuse me, girls, I was wondering where I could listen to some music!'
'Eh, if you go straight up this street here, take a left turn and walk on until you see Hanging Hours, I'm sure they have live music around this time.'
'Oh, and what time is it sorry?'
'It's 7pm.'
'Thank you so much!' I run, not wasting another second.
The girls were right, there's a band playing a soft kind of rock. According to the posters, it's an indie night.
Looking around, trying to find a target for my needs of a playlist I could take home, I see a boy. He has a T-Shirt on that says 'the strokes.'
I walk up to him, and try to speak to him but the music is too loud, I point to the garden and he follows me out.
'How old are you?' He asks me before I can say anything when we're outside.
'I'm sixteen, how about you?'
'Seventeen. You looked older than me, sorry.'
'This is a very strange request, and I understand if not, why not, but do you think you could make me a playlist of some of your favourite songs on a CD? In the next 20.. 19 minutes?'
'I mean...' he stretches, 'I already have a few in my car, no one really uses cds anymore, come, quick.'
He takes me out to his car and hands me a bunch of CDs, 'I have all of these on my phone, and a few double copies, take these, and...' he reaches under his seat, 'these are my favourite songs, this is a playlist I made for a girl, don't ask,' he opens the glove box in front of me 'these are a bunch of playlists from my dads old cd box, he's a prick but he's a prick with a great music taste.'
'Thank you so much.'
'Why're you in such a rush? And why do you want these? If you don't mind my asking.'
'I just needed some new music, and I've got to be home for dinner.'
'Ah, okay.'
'I'll see you!'
I turn to see his face, he's shocked, and looks at me like I'm strange, but not in a horrible way, I look back and smile before heading to a store name Argos.
'Please may I have a CD player and a..' I look at a little device on display, a game is coming out of it.
'One of them too please!'
The lady at the till looks very confused, but gets me my wanted items anyway, 'next time, if you go over there and look up what you want, find out the number and bring it over here I'll be able to do it a lot quicker for you,' she smiles, 'enjoy your stuff.'
I notice now that everyone is playing on a small rectangular screen, before I can ask about it, I'm back in my house.

Wendy spent that night listening to all of her new CDs on her new portable CD player and figured out how to work her new '3DS.' To say she was astounded would be a understatement. It had 3 files downloaded onto it, Mario Kart 8, Animal Crossing and The Legend of Zelda; Ocarina of Time. She'd played The Legend of Zelda and Mario before. But this was nothing like the N64 games.

She knew bringing her 2020 music and 3ds to Hogwarts wasn't a good idea but she couldn't help herself, she was too nervous to leave without it. She ended up finding a seat in a compartment with two friendly Ravenclaws, she put in her music and fell to sleep, the stress of getting to the station so early had tired her out, she just needed a little nap.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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