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"Did you know?" I demanded as soon as I barged into my father's office. I knew both of them would be in there. He usually was at this time of day, and Mom was almost always wherever he was.

After my tears dried and I found the strength to stand up, I had slipped out the other door of the little office we had been in. I figured Skylar would be in the kitchen with her aunt and I didn't want to try to speak to either of them. I darted down the hall and found my father's office without really thinking about where I was going.

"Know what, honey?" Dad glanced up at me from his computer, his fingers stilling on the keyboard. Mom sat up from lounging on the couch and she placed the book she was reading to the side. Both peered at me inquisitively, waiting.

I huffed, placing my hands on my hips. "That Skylar was leaving. Like, this weekend."

Mom's voice was soft, as it always was. "We knew she found her mate."

"We did not know she was moving to his pack so soon." Dad finished.

"Why didn't you tell me!"

Mom stood up and crossed the floor. "Emerald, that isn't the kind of news you share about someone else. She wanted to tell you." Her eyebrow raised, "I'm assuming she did?"

"I. . .I figured it out. Kind of." Sighing, I left my mom standing there and sat next to her book on the couch. Standing suddenly felt way too exhausting.

"Kind of?" Dad pressed.

"Yeah. Well, Aiden blabbed something on the bus home and when I saw Eva in the kitchen, it sort of came together."

After a pause, he responded with, "You guys still ride the bus?"

My fingers found their way up my face and into my hair. I curled them against my scalp, wanting something to cling to, to pull on. I didn't even know how to respond to that.

Mom laughed lightly, like it was hilarious to her that my friends and I still rode the bus to school.

I finally said, "Well, you keep reminding me how terrible of a driver I am. What choice do I have?"

"Eirenae." Dad's eyes settled on Mom.

"What? The bus won't hurt them!"

He only shook his head and smiled, finally focusing back to me. "I'm going to make your day much brighter by letting you know that there is a path in the woods that leads straight from our territory and to the football field next to the high school."

"WHAT?" I leaped to my feet in shock. "And you're telling me now, in my junior year! I could have been using that this entire time?"

Mom chuckled behind a hand that was pressed to her lips. Dad zeroed in on her. "I have a feeling your mother had something to do with that."

Mom squealed, "I didn't do nothing!" Then she darted out of the room and let the door swing shut behind her.

"I'm telling you," Dad said after a few moments. "She's behind that."

I just shook my head and plopped back onto the couch. "What am I supposed to do, Dad? She's my best friend."

"Your mom?"

My eyes tried to light him on fire. "Skylar."

"Oh, that. Right." He quickly shuffled his hands around the desk, putting pens away, shutting down the computer, and placing files back into his desk. Finally, he met my eyes again. "I think it's something you should be extremely happy about."

Grimacing, I folded my hands together and leaned forward with my elbows on my knees. "You don't get it."

"Then explain."

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